Recent content by bironacad

  1. bironacad

    Chipper chipping pine - sticky sap increases clogging frequency

    Latest storm brought down many whit pine limbs an several cedar trees, ugh. PITA for sure. Waiting till dry helps, burning in the pit helps, but seems to be pita for sure. Patience is a virtue I have heard. #*%*^
  2. bironacad

    Cognitive bias....

    It’s good to laugh. If one learns to laugh at oneself he will never be left unamused. 👍🏻👍🏻
  3. bironacad

    Cognitive bias....

    Sea2, I must admit here that I skimmed your post and the replies with my own bias. It is an interesting topic the idea that my decision process is often, an if this then that, without engaging deeply the topic. I am not sure if this is part of the Information Age or what. So upon reflection, a...
  4. bironacad

    Cognitive bias....

    Bias? Opinion? Pretty far apart? Anyway to each his own.
  5. bironacad

    Cognitive bias....

    This is what I thought this thread would delve into, lol: Francis Bacon describes confirmation bias so: “The human understanding, when it has once adopted an opinion draws all things … to support and agree with it. And though there be a greater number and weight of instances to be found on...
  6. bironacad

    Need a solution. Back problems and my Zero Turn.

    it works pretty quick for the lower back, for me that is, my cousin is doing them too. We are both old HVAC guys and need all the help we can get, lol. He swears by them as well.
  7. bironacad

    Need a solution. Back problems and my Zero Turn.

    okay this gets away from suspension modifications but believe it or not it this clam exercise has help my hip and lower back pain. My daughter went to physio and they gave her this exercise. I do twenty each side every day and it has been more effective then towels stuffed behind my back...
  8. bironacad

    CVT Troubles

    I have over seven hundred hours on the tractor and have had it since new in 2010. I, knock on wood, have not even changed the battery, lol. oops wait had to this winter change out a hose on the bucket. My biggest problem was not being familiar with the CVT, as soon as I up the rpm from idle...
  9. bironacad

    Should I cab or not. Getting ready to buy

    My cab has saved me from wacks by branches
  10. bironacad

    Can I borrow your........

    My cousin I will consider cause he has fixed more stuff of mine then me lol but that’s it, an not all things, my tractor comes with me in the seat. I will help a neighbor but not lend most tools ⚒️
  11. bironacad

    Has haggling died?

    My wife didn’t like haggling, she’s of the same opinion, if she likes the price she pays for it. I took her into a car dealership, took her into the manager of sales, ask the manager in front of her, does anyone pay the full sticker price? He said only if they’re stupid. 42 years ago we almost...
  12. bironacad

    WC46 Chipper need an enema

    Yup me as well, if doing pine I like to have some dry ***** to alternate to to clean out the gum
  13. bironacad

    Who's got a log splitter that they run off the PT?

    I have a walenstien? I like that I can drop the splitter to the ground and roll the heavy log on then lift it to a height that saves my back. Try that with a stand alone, lol. I change the oil on the alpha and don’t worry about the hours run. Probably does it good. Anyway to each his own. My...
  14. bironacad

    Wife said what?!?!

    Just had three hernias taken care of on Ohip! Last Tuesday, ugh. Sometimes good to be a pinko, lol. Wait 2009 triple bypass and last year a knee replacement. We do pay taxes but am grateful for government insurance.
  15. bironacad

    Tractor assisted tree felling.

    Ontario hydro doing just that on my road.