Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #185,871  
The little yellow crocus has a new, 4th bloom.

The daffodils are also up, about 6", but not blooming...although I saw some blooming on the way to town.
   / Good morning!!!! #185,872  
Good morning, the low is 6, high 18°F. Wind W 7 mph. 30% chance of flurries.
Between yesterday and last evening we got about 3", so far.
We are supposed to get freezing rain tonight and tomorrow. I will leave the snow until after the freezing rain is done.

Not much going on today, so I think I will 'medicate' my knee.

Have a safe day all
   / Good morning!!!! #185,873  

one of the interesting consequences of the war in the Ukraine is the theater
going on with the superyachts of the Russian oligarchs. They have been impounded, they have raced out in the middle
of the night (Putin's yacht) to safe ports, they are tracked obsessively by lots of folks all over the world.
They turn off their AIS transponders frequently to not be tracked.
probably the best YT channel who stays on top of this is this guy, who I have watched for several years.
his videos of ships in the world's fanciest harbors like Monaco are fun to watch.
but you likely need to be into boats.

I think several of these huge yachts (300-450 feet long) have been impounded, several up for sale.
Some just go from foreign port to foreign port. I like the fact Putin's yacht has a drone jammer.
have to wonder what that does to the captain's bridge instruments...

old Amish saying of when you lay with dogs you get fleas
these oligarchs all have a lot of fleas on them
they would say this is our system, have to play the game
it always gets back to greed.
Anyone who has a 450 foot yacht is all about ego.

just like the alpha silverback gorilla pounding on his chest

I always liked the mafia approach. Be very quiet, speak softly, carry a big stick/persuader.
Except for Gotti, few liked the limelight. Russian oligarchs really like their flashy things.
of course look at our US tech billionaires; some of them have multiple huge yachts.
as a boater, who like most has had twofootitis, going larger is usually a good thing.

146 trillion dollars a year of world gnp; lot of opportunity for folks to get very wealthy

I guess if they sign up for this, they should have whatever size boat they want...
note the countries involved, or not
   / Good morning!!!! #185,874  
14F clearing sky low 20's for high,winds gusting 30 mph plus from the north into early evening.

Outside chores done E muffin time. :)
Plans for today... 2 stops in town,least 4 wheelbarrow loads wood in basement,maybe cut up some kindling if not too windy.

Enjoy your day all.
   / Good morning!!!! #185,875  
Good Morning.
It’s 30° with clear skies and a good breeze making it feel quite cold.
It’s not forecast to get above 35, so it will be a cold one.

Yesterday I puttered around in the shop until the snow stopped, and then it was into the tractor to push snow. It was about 8” of heavy wet snow. It wanted to push the tractor sideways when the blade was fully angled. Admittedly it’s an 8 foot blade on a 60hp compact tractor, so it’s at, or possibly past the suggested limit.
But it all got done, even a few neighbors as well.


After getting that taken care of, it was lunch time, after that it was back to the mower, fitting stainless patches to repair rusted areas.

This is what it looked like-

And with a patch fitted-


I used the latest CAD technology to cut out the patch.


Cardboard Aided Design.

Today will start with breakfast with the professor before getting back to the mower. I’ve got two more patches to cut out, and then change the wire in the MIG welder to 309L stainless and get it all welded up.
I’ll probably have to enlist an assistant to get the gearbox and spindles mounted, they are heavy, and I can’t reach both sides to get the nuts on the bolts. I was able to disassemble it my self by tacking the nuts on, and breaking them off later.


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   / Good morning!!!! #185,876  
Good Morning Guys,
Ct, 20 to start going to 32 ! We got about 9 or 10” of snow yesterday! The wet heavy stuff ! Bright and sunny out there but pretty cool ! Kathleen wants me to grill steaks tonite, so I need to clear part of the deck to get to the grill ! 😉

Scootr, happy birthday to your dad ! Got some serious longevity there ! My Pop made it to just shy of 94 and they were married 71 years ! So a pretty good run !

When I came home last Friday after working my one day, Kathleen tells me she can’t change the channels on the TV ! So I Googled Dish support and called the number that came up ! In actuality I was connected to a third party firm that tries to recruit new customers into a contract for Direct TV and AT&T ! I didn’t realize I wasn’t talking to a DISH representative!! So to make a long story short, we were on the path to getting scammed ! It ended up all I needed to do were to replace the batteries in the remote ! 😳 We have since signed up for Life Lock ! When I finally did get a DISH representative on the phone, he told me that this outfit was putting their phone number into Google under DISH ! 😳 We have had Direct TV and didnt like it ! We ended up putting a fraud alert on our CC ! I’m sorry I fell for this whole thing ! So beware !

Hope all have a great day ! 🙏
   / Good morning!!!! #185,878  
what was nice about yesterday's snow here was that the ground was still warm from prior days, and by yesterday afternoon, my
gravel driveway, like Popgadget's, was totally clear
I just have to be careful of ice spots on way back to greenhouse.

not so wonderful in there this morning, setting one not enough, zinnias near one side unhappy from cold, 43 in one spot, 50 in another.
I cranked up the heater to setting two, that should solve that

no plans for today
   / Good morning!!!! #185,880  
good morning
colder but snow is gone, 29 going to 40
No rain and some sun may even return later

Worked on the pond overflow to channel it across the driveway and then out through a gap in the oak board fence. Kept scraping with the 36 inch bucket on the excavator and the since the water was flowing heavy it was easy to channel it in the right direction and get immediate results. Also scraped off the grass curbs inside the fence next to the pavement to help direct the flow off the pavement. Wanted to send neighbor a text with pictures but he had blocked it.
Made a mess for sure and but used the V plow on the RTV to at least scrape it off the pavement.
