Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #185,031  
Good morning, the low is 30 and the high to 34°F. Wind SW 8 mph. 40% chance of flurries.

I'm leaving here at 0815, stop in town to get some loot out of the bank, then 8 stops in North Bay, including lunch and then home. We should be back home by 1530 hrs, but if we are later it doesn't matter. It isn't like we are punching a clock.

I enjoyed the vintage wrecks, Ron.

Have a safe day all
   / Good morning!!!! #185,032  
Good morning all,
23° now, highs in the mid 30’s today.
Mostly cloudy with SW wind 0-5 mph.
Hope they’re right about the wind, the trees are still covered with frozen snow/ice.
May see some sun this afternoon but their track record hasn’t been great lately lol.

Yesterday morning had some freezing drizzle no one predicted, interesting travel for some. Mrs asked what I planned to do, my reply “you’re lookin at it” 🙃.

Pick up some groceries this morning and that’s about it for today.

Bef, that’s a sad situation prayers sent.

Stay safe and healthy everyone
   / Good morning!!!! #185,033  
36 outside this AM, heading to mid 40's.

Another day to plod along with. Nothing on the agenda. Maybe a dump run.

Hope all have a great day. Be safe, stay warm.

Interesting observation on the hawk, wngsprd. Saw one yesterday too when I was feeding the animals. Did you catch the news on Old Rag permits? Not liking that at all, but I get the reason.
   / Good morning!!!! #185,034  
What's an Old Rag permit for? Another way to tax probably.

Billy, hope ankle gets better.

41F on back porch, going to low 70's. Rain coming this Friday they say.

Had problems with 2007 cnc mill for a while at work (since Thanksgiving). Wrongly diagnosed by their support guy too. Ended up being a bad 3 phase breaker. Electrician said he's hardly ever seen them go bad. Wasted many hours and about $500. But very happy it is going again because the students will get training on it starting next Monday. The bureaucracy and a slow ordering staff caused much of the delay.

Now working on a Lincoln Torchmate cnc plasma table. Found out yesterday that the rectangular lithium backup battery on the motherboard is bad. It is soldered on and I wish it was just a plain old coin cell. Unit will have to be reprogrammed, and they don't make it easy to do that. Need a 9 pin serial cable and computer to push the file to it.
   / Good morning!!!! #185,035  
35 high in low 40s today very light rain last night but pretty much over now.

Sad situation BEF prayers sent

Prayers for all our Country
   / Good morning!!!! #185,037  
26F cloudy low 30's for high.

Plans for today...dump run 3 stops in town for this and that,afternoon pickup load grit for icy driveway.

Enjoy your day all.
   / Good morning!!!! #185,038  
Good morning! 39˚F heading to 72˚ with winds turning from the South and partly cloudy becoming full sun.
Yea! Today is graduation day! Last day of Physical Therapy on the new knee.
Also a big relief yesterday with closing on the estate house to cousin's kids with a lawyer instead of a Realtor. My cousin has the property on one side now their kids will be living on connecting property.
Dad was one of the first to get a FEL on his farm tractor and I saw how useful it was and how it was a necessity not an option when I bought my tractor.
   / Good morning!!!! #185,039  
Good Morning!!!! 43F @ 4:45AM. Partly cloudy this morning. Increasing clouds with periods of showers this afternoon. High 63F. Winds SSE at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
Saw an animated prediction of rainfall over the Pacific Ocean yesterday, and it looks like David has set up a Pineapple Express for us for the next ten days or so. That ought to get all the reservoirs up to full, and maybe even overflowing. Most are already at least 25% above average for this time of year. But all that warm air isn't going to win him any friends among the skiers.

Sounds like that plasma cutter has a serial interface, Kyle. I probably have a box full of those DB9 cables ready to drop off at a recycler, and I even found an old Mac PowerBook laptop that could probably transfer the file. But whatever software generated the G codes was probably PC based, huh?

I've been struggling with a rocking toilet for a while now, and since I'm headed out of town tomorrow, decided yesterday to finally deal with it. Someone broke all the concrete out away from the sewer pipe under it, so there's no support for the closet flange. Yesterday I picked up a bag of thinset mortar, so today I'll pull the toilet and see how good a job I can do filling the gap and getting it even with the bottom of the closet flange. Then the mortar will have at least a week to harden. I watched a YouTube video where someone used TapCon screws to secure the flange. I wonder how solid they can be threading directly into the concrete without some kind of anchor. Any of you guys have any experience with TapCons?

I pretty much finished up the schlepping in the garage, and am ready for the next load. Which will be mostly machine tools and yard equipment, I think. It always comes down to what's easiest to move and load. I do know it won't be the lathe or mill because they'll need a heavy duty open trailer and it'll be too wet for the next ten days.

Happy Hump Day folks!
   / Good morning!!!! #185,040  
I've been struggling with a rocking toilet for a while now, and since I'm headed out of town tomorrow, decided yesterday to finally deal with it. Someone broke all the concrete out away from the sewer pipe under it, so there's no support for the closet flange. Yesterday I picked up a bag of thinset mortar, so today I'll pull the toilet and see how good a job I can do filling the gap and getting it even with the bottom of the closet flange. Then the mortar will have at least a week to harden. I watched a YouTube video where someone used TapCon screws to secure the flange. I wonder how solid they can be threading directly into the concrete without some kind of anchor. Any of you guys have any experience with TapCons?
I have used TapCons on things like my cellar entrance. When I had problems with one of my toilets. I got a new toilet ring. Used anchors similar to Redheads for the ring. New ring had SS bolts to hold toilet down.