Tell us something we don’t know.

   / Tell us something we don’t know. #211  
And that research was part of an NIH study?:censored:
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #212  
This is an incredibly stupid study
Did we tax payers actually pay for this?
As @kenmbz points out, this is a great study.

The point of the study, is actually not to read just titles or abstracts, and is, in fact, a very well executed study, hitting all of the correct formulaic points, but a deeply flawed study design, which was the point to doctors setting up randomly controlled studies that the design of the study matters. All funded out of the investigator's pockets.

It is actually a brilliant paper. Thanks @bcp for pointing it out.

All the best,

   / Tell us something we don’t know. #214  
Yes I agree, a marvellous paper. Thanks @bcp. I have saved it to remind myself of how a poorly designed medical research methodology can sometimes get things so wrong :)
   / Tell us something we don’t know.
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Our local news has a health thing everyday. It often has some statistical tidbit that you nod your head and agree that it makes sense. That is until you think about it and realize how obvious it is, like “people that fall off a third story building are more likely to have injuries than those that don’t.”