Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #189,553  
Fantastic Phil best work I’ve ever seen

60 this morning high in 80s we are now behind in rainfall. Got some jobs to quote other than that take it as it comes
. Good to hear from you PJ

Prayers for all our Country
   / Good morning!!!! #189,554  
Good Morning
It’s 50° with a high of 78 on tap for today. Partly cloudy with little chance of rain.

Yesterday went by pretty quickly, started off taking care of the daughter, who is very low maintenance, her dogs which are a bit more demanding. Zoe and I went for a walk around the farm, then it was time for a pretty productive Fusion get together with my friend with the laser cutter for balsa. I got the answers to some things I was struggling with, and was able to show him some things on the CAM side.

Then it was time for grandsons party with a batch of his 4 year old peers.



The bounce house was a big hit, they had enough food setup in the barn to feed an army. They sent home leftovers with anyone that would take it.

Today youngest son and wife are coming to visit his sister, I told them I’d make waffles from scratch for breakfast for everyone (except my wife, she’s already gone to the farmers market).

After that I want to try and cut a piece of aluminum on the plasma table, maybe wander over to the RC club field if it’s not windy. Then just take it easy.
   / Good morning!!!! #189,555  
45F partly cloudy day maybe low 70's for high...taste of t shirt weather. :)

Outside chores done E muffin time.
Plans for today...quick trip to HD for stain afterwards stains some boards from winter wear,afternoon putter check game cams might watch some NASCAR.

Enjoy your day all.
   / Good morning!!!! #189,556  
Good Morning,
Anna Maria Island, Fl. 68 going to 82 with partial clouds !

Went to the beautiful beach yesterday evening and we were rewarded with a spectacular sunset ! 🙏

Checked Nest Box No. 2 on the way back down to the house. Five Bluebird eggs …
RS, I can’t tell you how many years I have been building a couple of blue bird houses ! Still haven’t done it yet ! What a beautiful bird they are ! Also would be a good project to do with the grandsons when they are a bit older !

I own one place and it is this place. There is no place like this place anyplace, so this must be the place.
Bill, I feel the same way about our Vermont home and property! Can’t tell you the feeling out bush hogging the field on a beautiful fall day !

Phil, talk about an innovative idea, and beautifully executed! Kudos to you my friend ! Gives me inspiration to get back into the wood shop to create ! 🙏

Hope all have a blessed and beautiful day today ! 🙏


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   / Good morning!!!! #189,559  
Good morning, the low is 55 and going to a high of 59°F. Wind SSW 15 mph. Showers. :(

If I want 'winter' fuel in my big tank I will have to wait until next November. Which I will. That will give me time to build up a credit with the new supplier. Getting paid weekly makes it so much easier to do this. A couple of hundred every week. I still have a $1800.oo credit with the current supplier which I found out buys whatever is cheapest. So I will burn down the current supplier for the house augmented with the new supplier out of the 500. Eventually I will be burning the new stuff exclusively.
It only sounds complicated, it isn't really.

The rain came down in buckets this morning at about 2 A.M. So hard that it woke me up with its' pounding on my steel roof.:)
My BH got washed.

Nothing planned for today, so I will probably go back to bed at about 6 A.M. or so and sleep til noonish.

Have a safe day all
What is your winter fuel up there? Does your supplier blend it #2 and #1 or is it just additives?
I blend my own as that usually ends up being less costly, this past winter was very mild and I was likely over blended at around 60% #2 and 40% #1 with an anti gell at the high dose rate.