Comparison XG3140 vs XR4140 -- Capabilities

   / XG3140 vs XR4140 -- Capabilities #1  


Platinum Member
Mar 25, 2017
LS XR4150, CAT 303.5CR, Kubota ZD331
In some respects, I know this is an apples & oranges comparison (economy/deluxe), but ... I'm wondering if anyone actually compared these two side by side & can give insights into the practical differences. From the LS website specs, they look to have the same engine, but different front tires, transmissions & frames (No mid pto/1000 lb weight difference). Basically looks like they threw the bigger engine into 3100 series since they (couldn't/wouldn't?) tune the smaller engine to a 40HP rating w/o mechanical issues. For the 3140 I'm wondering ... 1) can the tranny handle the extra HP/pressures or is this combo a time bomb? 2) Assuming that the engine can be tuned like the 4100 series, would the Tranny handle the higher HP to 55? Different answer based on SS or HST? What about the frame stress/torque? Are the other components (turbo/fuel pump/hydro pump/cooling) the same or are the differences enough to warrant the extra money for the 4140?

My current needs (5 acres) can probably be satisfied with a smaller tractor in the 27 - 35 range (mowing, small woodlot, driveway/road & landscape leveling, fence posts, light FEL work & some backhoe) with heavier uses post hurricanes for cleanup of me & neighbors. One appeal of the higher HP is the fact I can run a whole house PTO Genny & keep the wife/kids/dogs happy after a big storm (all electric house in FL). With some background as an auto mechanic, I can't help looking at performance upgrades, so that is probably in it's future after warranty period).

I'll be checking out both, but wondering if others have an opinion.
   / XG3140 vs XR4140 -- Capabilities #2  
Just my opinion, but the XR41XX are sweet, the XR31XX are meh and XG. I even like XJXX better.
   / XG3140 vs XR4140 -- Capabilities #3  

Just did the comparison in person yesterday. I was debating between the XR3135H or jumping up to the XR4100 series. When I arrived the dealer happened to have a XG3135H sitting next to his XR4150. I also have 5 acres and at first impression thought the 4150 was too big for the around the house / shop type use. However, my primary use is a long DG driveway with two good hills and a switchback. The dealer had a 6' box on both tractors with R4 tires. I mention this because I was amazed that both tractors rear tires were just inside (2" or so) the 6' box, I hadn't realized that the LS width specs are based on the AG tires. What is totally different is the front axle between the two units. The 3100 had a decent axle with a single steering ram, however the 4100 had a MUCH larger axle with dual steering rams and seemed to collect the weight to a large pivot bracket. Once I got over their size, I also realized the large front tires would do a better job in my orchard area and with FEL duties. The rear axle and frame were also larger but not as substantially different as the front.

I tested both units in the small dirt area of the dealers lot; I've operated full-size back hoes and skip-n-drags in the past and recently sold a sub-compact JD2210 so I feel like I have a good feel for the size spectrum and capabilities. The XG3135H was fine, it did eveerything I asked of it, had a great turning radius and plenty of power. I have become spoiled with the ease of an HST for gannon and loader work and feel that it is safer on hills and when I have someone else operate it. The XR4150 I tested was a shuttle shift but I really liked the wider front end stance, loader power and it still turned in a tight radius in both 2wd and 4wd.

Long story short, I ordered an XR4150H. The dealer is going to put on top and tilt for the box and also run hoses to the front so I can use a grapple or auger. The XG3135 would have met 90% of my needs, but the XR features and 4100 series strengh had me sold. You won't be sorry with either, but the 4100 is a lot more tractor for a few more $$. Hope this helps...
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   / XG3140 vs XR4140 -- Capabilities
  • Thread Starter
Thanks. That was the type of Comparison I was looking for. I'm pretty sure I'll be buying a XR 4140 in the near future, but I wanted someone else's impression of them head to head.
   / XG3140 vs XR4140 -- Capabilities #5  
XG3140 vs XR4140, Loader front axle are so much more desirable on the XR4140