Vermeer Rc7120 problem

   / Vermeer Rc7120 problem #1  

Brad Daniel

New member
May 3, 2012
Jd 5520 kubota m9000
I have a Vermeer rc7120 and it is streaking and is pretty noticeable. It does it in all types of grass, especially in Bermuda and I have talked to the dealer and have done everything they have said to try like slowing rpm and speeding ground speed up also I have brand new blades on
And I do not know what else to do any advice would be greatly appreciated.
   / Vermeer Rc7120 problem #2  
First of all I've never used one of these mowers but have used plenty of other disc mowers, Vermeer mostly.

A few questions... Is this machine new to you? Or has it always done this? How many sets of blades are there? I'm guessing 7 sets. Does your mower streak all the way across or just in one or two spots? Did changing blades help any at all?

Disc mowers cut best when the leading edge of the bar is tilted closer to the ground than the rear. On our Vermeers there are two turn buckles similar to a top link on either side behind the cutter bar to achieve this. This allows a closer cut and prevents streaking.
   / Vermeer Rc7120 problem
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Have had it about a year and it has streaked ever since i have had it and yes it does have seven disc and the new blades did not help much at all but the streaking is worse in 2 strips one near the middle and end and the skid shoes where the streaking looks like it is happening are banged up a little on the top so i have ordered two new shoes to see if that fixes it.
   / Vermeer Rc7120 problem #4  
Does it streak on the end closest to the tractor or the farthest away? I ask because on ours the first two pods closest to the tractor rotate the same direction. It would be easy for someone to put the wrong blades on the very first pod. BEEN THERE, DONE THAT :ashamed:

I put together this crude example of what I mean.

Vermeer 1.jpg
   / Vermeer Rc7120 problem
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It's streaking on the end farthest from
The tractor
   / Vermeer Rc7120 problem #6  
Can you lift the hood in front of the blades to get more air flow? When our mower, though not a Vermeer, streaks, I shift up, slow the rpm and if it needs it I'll lift the curtain a bit to provide more air flow and less turbulance near the blades.
   / Vermeer Rc7120 problem
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Have not tried that yet I will give that a try.