Small Tractor Baling - a report

   / Small Tractor Baling - a report #11  
Rotary rakes are the only way to rake hay. I'd never go back to a side delivery 'roper' rake again. A rotary will cut your drydown by at least a day, make a fluffy windrow and is much easier to road than a roper and mechanically is easier to maintain.

Amen.. to that! Weæ±*e close to ocean humidity here and short hay weather windows so, the rotary rake is far and away the best option to get your hay dried ahead of the next rain!

Weæ±*e on our 2nd Kuhn rotary rake and many years we値l only get one cutting of really tall, heavy rank Timothy hay. I壇 hate to imagine what the teeth on a wheel rake would look like slogging thru those windrows @ 4.5mph!