Replacement tiller

   / Replacement tiller #1  


Super Member
Nov 2, 2003
Central Michigan
4210 MFWD Ehydro--'89 JD 318
I've owned a Rally (MTD) 5 hp front tine tiller since '89 and it still works great in my 1200 square foot garden, which finally has decent soil after all those years of adding compost. The only drawback to the tiller is that it doesn't seem to pulverize the clumps of soil very well, so I have to go over the plot up to a dozen times every spring. I'm wondering if replacing it with a rear tine model would reduce the amount of work required.

As I don't plan to expand the plot any more, there will be no need to have deep cultivation. One thing I have always liked about front tine tillers is their ability to dig down and remove rocks, but now I'm concerned about preparing the top layer of soil. Can anyone recommend what they feel is a RELIABLE make of rear tine tiller and the hp requirements I should be looking for? Thanks.
   / Replacement tiller #2  
I f you are certain that you are not going to expand or till any sod I would recomend a 5hp Troybilt. I have one that does an excellent job in existing gardens easy to use and leaves an excellent seed bed. It is horrible in sod. My brother in-law has a Yardman rear tine and it seems to be a pretty good machine also. The thing I like about the Yardman is the tines go both directions.