Level a Bumpy Yard

   / Level a Bumpy Yard #11  
Use them all... The harrows will get a quicker leveling result, but do not replace the need for core aeration. That is something you should be doing (at least every fall) regardless of how smooth the lawn is...
   / Level a Bumpy Yard #12  
I Feel your pain. I normally have to get off the tractor 3-5 times while mowing to pee, the bumps kill me.

I bought an old farm house and the 8 acre field that came with it (was about 2 ft high). Prior to me purchasing the property, I had the previous owner cut the field. Well, 3 years later and I still have ruts all through it. The moron apparently had the tractor in 3rd or fourth gear flying through the field.

I paid a contractor a couple of times to cut it, they had 4-5 60-72" cutters working on it at a time. He got a little upset that it was busting up his equipment, so he didn't want to do it anymore. So, I abused my little lawn tractor, scapling the ground everytime I cut it, cutting in opposite directions each time. I filled in the ground hog holes, and the very deep ruts. Everytime I do a little addition to the driveway, or increase the size of my garden I take the grass and dirt and put it in bad areas. Then I bought a compact tractor, lawn roller, FEL.

It isn't great yet, but it is better. I filled the lawnroller with dry sand, and roll the field periodically after it rains. They tell you not too, that it will cause damage, but it seems to flatten some of the bad areas out quite well.

I'm waiting for a bigger tractor to make the rest of the yard into a golf course. At least that is what the old farmer next door keeps laughing about. He wants me to let another farmer bale it. I find it helps to keep the field mice and other rodents away, and lets me see the deer,turkey, pheasant etc clearly from the back window.

I wish you luck. Now if I only had a couple hundred thousand, I could buy the farm across the road and all that beautiful acreage. Life is so cruel.