Forklift Stand Add-On

   / Forklift Stand Add-On #1  

Pine Strip

Gold Member
Dec 27, 2012
Kubota B-3000
10441059_745636905507241_6053747717085431655_n.jpgForklift platform Complete.jpg

A welder friend whipped this up for a customer. Looks like the real deal for being a handy add-on.
   / Forklift Stand Add-On #3  
The **** with OSHA, that thing is awesome!
   / Forklift Stand Add-On #4  
Yep, a lot better than mine! :D



It only goes nine feet up. :eek:
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   / Forklift Stand Add-On #5  
Spent the last 35 years or so tryin' to find a way to get the job done in SPITE of OSHA - Not ALL bad, but it was obvious whoever came up with some of that stuff had never actually DONE the job.

For those who haven't seen it, here's just ONE of the more popular anti-OSHA posters... SteveOSHA-Cowboy.jpg
   / Forklift Stand Add-On #6  
LOL. I was going to make something similar but I found this one on craigslist locally for $200 and couldn't build one for that soooo....

   / Forklift Stand Add-On #7  
OSHA wouldn't have been all that excited about my using the bucket of my FEL to stand in to chainsaw a tree either. But then that was me at home, not working for a commercial enterprise. Body harness, drop line, and helmet, and

A lot of what OSHA does goes a long way to preventing institutional stupidity. I do recognize that all that regulation comes with a significant and detrimental cost to business. So do employee injuries and deaths.
   / Forklift Stand Add-On #8  
$200 for a basket that size is pretty good. I built a smaller one this summer with scrounged and salvaged material, didn't cost anything but welding and sanding consumables. Even the paint for the welds was free partial cans. It's 30x48, a bit tight for two people but keeps the cg better for off pavement ops, and it's the size of the catwalk I had for the base.

I've got some lightweight expanded metal, might put some of that in the back to keep things in or out, as the case may be.
   / Forklift Stand Add-On #9  
   / Forklift Stand Add-On #10  
$200 for a basket that size is pretty good. I built a smaller one this summer with scrounged and salvaged material, didn't cost anything but welding and sanding consumables. Even the paint for the welds was free partial cans. It's 30x48, a bit tight for two people but keeps the cg better for off pavement ops, and it's the size of the catwalk I had for the base. I've got some lightweight expanded metal, might put some of that in the back to keep things in or out, as the case may be.



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