Buying Advice .

   / . #11  
I have a 1958 861 diesel and really like the 5 speed transmission. 2nd-4th seem about like 1st-4th on my old 8N, but 1st gear in the 861D slows things down to a crawl for more power or times you just need to go slow. I am not real fond of the the shifting pattern of the five speed with the up and down/forward and back motions trying to hunt for the right gear, but you get used to it. I prefer the 5 speed to the 4 speed for the added the low range of 1st gear now that I got one. I think the newer 3 cylinder diesels are supposed to be a better design, but when I was forced to rebuild my 4 cylinder Red Tiger right after I bought the tractor, (it was because the hydraulic pump gear shaft shattered or the gear on rear of the cam shaft came loose causing it to jam and shatter). Most of the internals parts were just barely out of spec, so for a 1958 engine, she wore down pretty gracefully.
   / . #12  
Did you ever find a 961 or 4 cylinder 4000 row crop?

If not, I've decided to sell my 961-5 (factory wide front).
