
  1. H

    Old box blade for garden tractor on my new SCUT?

    I have one of these box scrapers that I bought 7 years ago for my little JD garden tractor. Tractor gone but the box scraper is still kicking around. I also have one of these for my SCUT Is it worth...
  2. T

    1025R Price Check + implements

    Got quotes from my local JD dealer (KY) for my first tractor. Are these prices reasonable, or should I run away? Salesman says there's no more room for savings. 1025R TLB: $15,970 120R Loader w/bucket: $4,788 260B Backhoe: $7,662 Also getting radial tires, ballast box, 3rd hydraulic function on...
  3. twowoode

    Scut front tire upgrade

    Well after 2 years I finally got a flat front tire on my little Massey. When I took the tire to my local ag central they managed to tear up the side wall on the inside just above the bead trying to take the tire off the rim. Long story short they didn’t tell me what they had done but said it...