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  1. M

    Horse riding arena

    Looking to create a 60'x100' outdoor riding arena. The area is currently lawn grass and slopes about 3 feet from the NW corner to the SE corner. Rough plan to start is to strip all the sod/organic soil and pile it around the lower sides as a berm. Then re-level what's left, and then figure...
  2. M

    Land pride mower gearbox

    I just bought a used FDR 1672 finish mower. It looks like the gearbox mount platform is bent slightly, and the drive pulley is not quite aligned with the others. It's as if it were lifted by the gearbox shaft, so now the shaft isn't horizontal, it points up a little. The mount plate unbolts...
  3. M

    1533 fluid service

    I am getting ready to do the 50 hr service on my 1533, and have some questions. Can I leave the backhoe and loader on? If I do, does that change the amount of hydraulic fluid to add back in? Does the dealer add more than the 8.2 gallons when the loader and hoe are added, or does the tractor...