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  • Hey Sonny, are you still working the soil with that S650 Bison? I've just rejoined TBN after a couple years and saw a kinda recent post of yours. You and I used to be on MBN years ago, but I left when that site started going away and new guys took over. I'm now retired and in central Florida. Hope you are well, Stan Bennett, formerly from Michigan
    STAN old buddy! YA still have the old s 650, but it kinda gave up on me so I now use a IH 340-u as the replacement.
    I am one of the 3 owners of MBN and if you havent joined up, ---- sure would love to have you back on there! Also if you could pass the word to others, that would be great!
    I know it is not the same as way back then but we still have feelings and memories of the good times!
    Thanks for messaging me!!!!
    Just saw your post Sonny. I will join up and see if we can swap some lies. I'm working on a Rhino 2224 and when I get one thing under control, something else quits or leaks...Guess that's the way it is when you're a cheapskate like me. Good to hear from you. Hope the wind farm fans don't keep you wake at night. StanIMG_20220905_104534873_HDR.jpg
    Windmills dont bother us!!! Hey! Join MBN and use the Rhino as a project in progress!! LOVE to have ya back!!!
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