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River Valley Landscaping
River Valley Landscaping
It is, came with the tractor… it works well at times but not so convenient as it is mounted a little high, so it will close in between the teeth with the bucket curled in but then ends up falling short a few inches when the bucket is curled out. I have put some thought into changing it up a bit in the future and possibly mounting it on an extended bucket pin so the bucket and thumb follow the same geometry.
River Valley Landscaping
River Valley Landscaping
I noticed one of the members was from NH on one of the allmand threads. I’m also from southern NH. Not sure if it was you or not. If you have any questions or need some pictures lmk. I have had the tractor for 2 years now and have done a fair deal of replacing/ improving parts
Hi..I live in Southern NH.....Greenfield, NH. Just north of Peternorough. I bought my Allmand from Taylor Rental in Chelmsford, MA. I've had it over 15 years. It needs a little TLC and this year I plan on replacing some of the worn parts.
Maybe we can use each other as aresource for info.
Good Luck
River Valley Landscaping
River Valley Landscaping
I’m in Pelham so that’s not too far away.
Hey guys, I have a TLB325 and live in Peterborough.
River Valley Landscaping
River Valley Landscaping
Either of you guys ever lose all the hydraulic functions all at once? It wont drive, or move the loader or backhoe. Two different circuits and neither work. I have started pulling lines so I can seperate the motor and pump to take a look…
River Valley Landscaping
River Valley Landscaping
I’m thinking stripped coupler from motor to pump as I just went through the same thing on the back coupler between motor and diff. It didn’t blow a bunch of oil everywhere or anything obvious. No obvious cracks as far as I can tell on the pump anywhere. Filter and strainers were changed a year ago but not much use since then. Any ideas?