Recent content by Hound Dog

  1. Hound Dog

    JD 4600 w/460 loader bucket tilt problem

    Picked up cylinders on Monday. One cylinder had the nut completely off the end of the ram and the other one only had a few threads left holding it on. One of the wire locks came out easily and of course the other side took a bunch more work. The guy that rebuilt them apologized for the pipe...
  2. Hound Dog

    JD 4600 w/460 loader bucket tilt problem

    Talked with gentleman rebuilding the cylinders and the nut came off the problem cylinder piston causing the lack of coordination between them.
  3. Hound Dog

    JD 4600 w/460 loader bucket tilt problem

    The last video matches my cylinders. Thanks for doing all the research for me. After watching the videos, I called and ordered a couple of those ring locks just in case. Those things are around $20 each and non-returnable. Oh well, there's always ebay if they aren't used. :)
  4. Hound Dog

    JD 4600 w/460 loader bucket tilt problem

    I ordered the seals at JD today and they asked about the serial # but I had the numbers from the cylinders themselves. Where is the serial # on the loader? I also have a co-worker that said he has replaced seals in this type of cylinder and they can be a PITA.
  5. Hound Dog

    JD 4600 w/460 loader bucket tilt problem

    Not sure what you mean. I do know the shaft of the problem cylinder won't go into the cylinder as far as the other one after they both were removed.. I've rebuilt motorcycle forks and watched a u-tube video on rebuilding these cylinders and I know my limits so will have someone else to do...
  6. Hound Dog

    JD 4600 w/460 loader bucket tilt problem

    Yup, that's the cylinder and that's why I'm having someone else do it. :) Couldn't find a U-tube video showing that cylinder either.
  7. Hound Dog

    JD 4600 w/460 loader bucket tilt problem

    I removed both cylinders. I believe the left cylinder shaft has become loose from the piston. I have a neighbor that used to work for JD and he agreed to replace the seals. I hope the threaded end of the shaft is still good. And of course, my cylinder is different from the one in the how-to...
  8. Hound Dog

    JD 4600 w/460 loader bucket tilt problem

    I thought most of these problems took awhile and not suddenly as I had just dumped a large bale, but that could be the thing that popped a seal. I'm heading out to check for crimped lines somewhere, just in case. Is replacing cylinder seals something I can do or find someone that can do it...
  9. Hound Dog

    JD 4600 w/460 loader bucket tilt problem

    Could it be in the valve assembly?
  10. Hound Dog

    JD 4600 w/460 loader bucket tilt problem

    yes. Yes, with the torsion bar roll pin broken.
  11. Hound Dog

    JD 4600 w/460 loader bucket tilt problem

    More info. At first the bale spears would not return from 'full dump' except at full throttle but would then drop down on their own. I heard a loud 'crack' noise and that's where I believe the roll pin on the torsion bar between the two sides broke. Then the left cylinder went full 'down' or...
  12. Hound Dog

    JD 4600 w/460 loader bucket tilt problem

    I'm thinking the same thing as one shouldn't be able to move the cylinder by hand. --- Later with the tractor off I pullled up the left side and the right cylinder moved in the opposite direction. When I moved the right cylinder, the left one moved in the opposite direction.
  13. Hound Dog

    JD 4600 w/460 loader bucket tilt problem

    I understand the unequal movement of the bucket cylinders but today the slower cylinder (left) totally extended out while the other one moves fine. Left the 50*F shop into 2*f temps and did some back dragging to clear a little snow. Then switched to bale spears, lifted a large bale, moved it...
  14. Hound Dog

    JD 4600 won't run after fuel filter change

    I just went out and 'wiggled' some hoses and one made a bubble so I moved the clamp, cut off a 1/2 inch from the hose and moved the squeeze clamp back and it started right up and ran great. Thanks, never thought about the things we didn't change. (This makes up for the wife wanting to go on a...
  15. Hound Dog

    JD 4600 won't run after fuel filter change

    '99 4600 CUT about 2300 hrs on it. I am doing fall service, changing all engine filters. After changing fuel filter, I went to start it and it ran well for about a minute and then died and wouldn't start.. The fuel filter appeared full of fuel as I had turned on the lever on the housing and did...