Recent content by DaRube

  1. DaRube

    Pls Recommend Mowing Solution for 10 Acre Rural Residential

    20 years ago, I bought my first tractor, a Kubota B7500HSD with a 60" belly mower. It has strained to keep up with my property, which has 7 acres (out of 10 total) of mostly flat mowable land. I've been looking at ZTs, but want to size it right and open myself up to considering other brands...
  2. DaRube

    Kubota B75000HSD Fuel Line Problem - and it's not the Fuel Filter

    My B7500 is experiencing the classic symptoms of a ducky fuel filter. It runs fine the first 5 mins or so, then it starts diving and surging, particularly when under stress. However, I replaced the fuel filter (and cup), and it continued to do the same. Here is what has transpired. 1) Last...
  3. DaRube

    Box Scraper  Weight and Size Limitations for Compact Tractors?

    I am looking to purchase a box spreader for my Kubota. The B7500 manual gives a down-weight (W1) rating of 375 lbs for box scrapers, and a much higher lift (W0) rating of 660 lbs. It also specifies a maximum width of 54 inches. Tread width for my tractor is 40 inches (so says the manual)...
  4. DaRube

    Grading  MMM Blade Configuration

    Are the three blades on the RB60 MMM supposed to have a particular alignment (i.e. parallel to each other), or does it not matter?
  5. DaRube

    B7500 Overheat Problem Solved replacing the thermostat. Funny. When I complained to the dealership about the overheating, they never mentioned the thermostat. Actually implied that there wasn't one. A friend recommended his mechanic to me, and this was his first task for me. Bingo.
  6. DaRube

    Dealer Relationship Issues

    When I purchased my B7500HST last year, I skipped past the dealership 5 miles away and bought from a dealership an hour's drive away. By doing so, I saved over $2000. But now I am experiencing the downside of not having the relationship with a dealer who is close at hand. I do call out to the...
  7. DaRube

    A Small Claims Question

    My wife and I own a condo which we rent out. Back in June, the 14 year old washing machine died, and we purchased a new unit from an appliance store "M". We paid by credit card. Three weeks after delivery, the new unit failed. We called the manufacturer "W", asking them to repair or replace...
  8. DaRube

    Lime Application

    I had my soil tested. The results were that I have lime applied twice, 50lbs per 1000 sq ft (or 1 ton / per acre) .... on two separate occasions at least a month apart. I want to have 3 acres done, so it would come to 3 tons each application. I actually have 3 more acres of grass (which tested...
  9. DaRube

    My Neighbor Mows Some of My Lawn

    ....probably saves me a half hour per mowing. He actually used to mow the entire 5 acres closest to him (I have 10 ac altogether) ... as the previous owners weren't into it. After I moved in and got my tractor, I said that I wanted to take care of it .... from the pride of taking care of my...
  10. DaRube

    Front Wheel Alignment

    Is alignment an issue on tractors? Mine is a B7500, and, from the seat, it appears that my front tires are cambered in a little bit. Perhaps my eyes are deceiving me! Perhaps some may remember that I was facing the challenge of mounting my MMM for the first time a few weeks ago, and the most...
  11. DaRube

    Purina Llama Chow

    Does anyone out there have a PICTURE of a BAG (or container) of this stuff?? I know this is a little bit of a gag, but my friends on another forum have challenged me to come up with proof!!! Thanks!
  12. DaRube

    MMM Mounting Agony

    This newbie struggled to get the 60" MMM off of the B7500 in the fall.....and I am struggling even more to get it on now. The problem is in getting it to slide under the tractor. There just doesn't seem to be enough clearance around the tires. I would welcome the opportunity to be talked...
  13. DaRube

    Snapping Turtles

    We have suspected that we had snappers in our pond, but yesterday there was a confirmed sighting of a "more than a footer". Our coursin, who was there at the time, offered this rural newbie these factoids: 1) There's probably more. 2) Turtle traps are available and work pretty well. 3)...
  14. DaRube

    Dam Trees

    No, this isn't a typo. I had the guy from Soil and Water Conservation out yesterday to look at the pond, and the thing that he said needed to be dealt with post haste.....was the trees growing out of the dam. As he explained it, either the trees will live....and their roots will degrade the...
  15. DaRube


    Went and looked today at a pair of 8" Redwings with Steel Toe, Goretex, Thinsulate and Waterproofed Leather. They are some beautiful looking boots, but there was $230 worth of sticker shock for a guy who has never paid more than $100 for a pair of shoes. I am looking for a good pair of all...