Recent content by BruceSH

  1. B

    What do you all do to be prepared for long term power loss?

    We have 6 close(r) neighbors. 3 of them are "salt of the earth" people. 3 of the 6 are also habitual dope smokers. I am not a fan of the smell of burning marijuana but could put with it in a pinch. The issue is that if life became difficult due to disasters or the Chinese landing here to repo...
  2. B

    Recommendations for deck paint for porch

    FWIW I helped build a PanAbode cedar log home 57 years ago near Scapoose OR. My Dad and older brother were more help than me. It was and is a very nice home.
  3. B

    Is it time to consider electric?

    I agree that times change. What hasn't changed is that China is a secretive country and their stats for everything are reported by the PRC and approved by its dictator before dissemination.
  4. B

    Is it time to consider electric?

    It wasn't that long ago that China was opening a new coal fired power plant every few days. I care about pollution and saving resources but billions of the earth's population don't seem to care. Why bankrupt ourselves when all of our do-gooding is a spit in the ocean compared to the majority of...
  5. B

    Anyone help diagnose this sound?

    Not sure if this model has U-Joints, slip yokes or what but that could be a worn out driveshaft joint and they tend to be directional. Or possibly a half-shaft which can also be directional when trouble shooting.
  6. B

    Tooth bar vs none difference?

    Yes, when I contacted the Chinese rep he guaranteed the children assembling the tooth bar had one good meal a day and intranet (local) service for two hours in the evening. I bought two of them. (tooth bars)
  7. B

    Kubota RTV 500 Front Differential CV Seal Replacement

    confirm it is the pinion seal you are concerned about?
  8. B

    Sad and Tragic Recovery Accident in AZ.

    Could have been avoided? I would say NOT. It is too bad the victim could not react to the threat in time but that would have most likely been impossible. Could have been avoided? Hardly likely. Could have been prevented? Absolutely by properly fastening and lashing down everything you carry...
  9. B

    John Deere Proprietary Belts?

    The content of this thread was such that I felt compelled to write something. Perhaps take a poll?
  10. B

    John Deere Proprietary Belts?

    An extended thread where perhaps a quiet tantrum, non-posted, might have been more appropriate.
  11. B

    2022 Outlander Max 6x6

    The older I get the more medications I have to take. I suppose for a long day outside I should get a box to hold the meds. Please let me know how your box of medications project is going.
  12. B

    Cab for allergy suppression?

    Very superior