Stupid Things I Have Done

   / Stupid Things I Have Done #551  
This afternoon, I had a piece of titanium on the lathe that needed the length reduced a bit. I'm bad about cleaning it, and I'm No machinist, so, there's oil, sawdust, ect, all in the chip pan, and I'm using a rather unsharp carbide cutter, and my speed control is all jacked at anything but max speed... So, had some titanium chips combust, and of coarse light up more titanium chips, in the pan full of oilily sawdust... wasn't catastrophic, but titanium burns extremely bright white
   / Stupid Things I Have Done #552  
This afternoon, I had a piece of titanium on the lathe that needed the length reduced a bit. I'm bad about cleaning it, and I'm No machinist, so, there's oil, sawdust, ect, all in the chip pan, and I'm using a rather unsharp carbide cutter, and my speed control is all jacked at anything but max speed... So, had some titanium chips combust, and of coarse light up more titanium chips, in the pan full of oilily sawdust... wasn't catastrophic, but titanium burns extremely bright white
Are you telling us that you hurt your eyesight?
   / Stupid Things I Have Done #553  
No, I wouldn't say that. Just I'm always surprised how bright flammable metals burn. Magnesium, Titanium, and I'm sure, others.

I know titanium can burn, not a big deal, I just should have made sure to clean up the chip tray first.

I once caught about 2 or 3 lbs of magnesium on fire once by accident. Tried to put it out with water at first, then just buried it in sand. Asphalt Lute rake, and burning old asphalt off it with a propane torch. Next thing you know, got it too hot, and the whole head started uncontrollablely burning.
   / Stupid Things I Have Done #554  
No, I wouldn't say that. Just I'm always surprised how bright flammable metals burn. Magnesium, Titanium, and I'm sure, others.

I know titanium can burn, not a big deal, I just should have made sure to clean up the chip tray first.
Glad you’re alright!👍🏻
   / Stupid Things I Have Done #555  
I know titanium can burn, not a big deal, I just should have made sure to clean up the chip tray first.
A buddy of mine ran large CNC mills in a shop that did a lot of work with Titanium, Magnesium, Hastaloy, etc. Huge chip conveyors in their larger mills, filling 55 gallon barrels with chip. They had a few titanium or magnesium fires over the years, and it was always a very, very big deal! I think one of them cost more than $100k in repairs to one of their mills.
   / Stupid Things I Have Done #556  
We had a cnc plasma/turret press where the slag barrels for aluminum and steel needed to be kept seperate. The machine could cut 3/4" plate with 1/4 plasma curf, so there could be quite a bit. The one mixed barrel that caught fire did no damage, but made for a change in procedures.
   / Stupid Things I Have Done
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Speaking of stupid things and fire —-

   / Stupid Things I Have Done #559  
I thought of burning some brush piles last week when it was 62 calm and sunny. Nice day, what could possibly go wrong. Touched the weed burner torch to some grass several feet away just as a test and it immediately went waist high and on the move. Raked like crazy and snuffed it out, and, went home. Not a good time to burn. Waiting for some rain or snow cover would be better.
   / Stupid Things I Have Done #560  
Agreed. Not really a convenience, when you have to stop in your tracks and wait for the stupid thing! I don't think they were always this way, maybe it's about saving a few cents on heating?
The delay is adjustable, but faster has safety drawbacks, especially for kids. Not everyone is willing to fiddle with the mechanisms, and keep them lubricated. Plus, dirt and wear in the bushings will slow the doors down over time. The closing delay can be a safety hazard for slow moving individuals, young and old.

My recollection of the ones that I have adjusted in the past is that the adjustments were quite non-linear.

All the best,
