Tell us something we don’t know.

   / Tell us something we don’t know. #5,563  
My father, me and my son were in scouts.
I learned how to canoe, build survival shelters, use an axe and riffle and bow safely.
My son learned some of that in scouts, some was watered down due to suits and the other issues pointed out.
But it is an organization of good intentions, and for some kids their only real woods experience.
Learning how to build fires and cook on them etc.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #5,565  
My father, me and my son were in scouts.
I learned how to canoe, build survival shelters, use an axe and riffle and bow safely.
My son learned some of that in scouts, some was watered down due to suits and the other issues pointed out.
But it is an organization of good intentions, and for some kids their only real woods experience.
Learning how to build fires and cook on them etc.

I was lucky to do Cub Scouts, then become a Tenderfoot. But my son continued on to Eagle. I was always one of the support parents available for every function or activity or trip because it was quality time for me and I hope him. But, as he progressed through Boy Scouts parents were wanted around less and less so the boys could grow without us hovering.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #5,567  
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #5,568  
If there were no God, It would become necessary for man to create one.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #5,569  
If there were no God, It would become necessary for man to create one.
Seeing how many forms "gods" take on this earth I tend to agree. Everyone seems to need one or more.

For Argentina Messi has ascended :cool: