Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

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   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #391  
That doesn't even make sense. The EPA rules apply to any waters in this nation. It doesn't matter who is doing the work, or who owns the well. A violation as blatant as you describe should result in them getting shut down immediately.

Tell a diplomat convicted of DUI that in Washington, D.C.

Or check out the new car battery plant the Chinese are proposing building in Michigan. The Chinese will be making the rules there.

You just watch & see. If that project goes through, the Chinese will have it their way.

It’s all about the Benjamin’s, boss. Money buys influence.
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   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #392  
Tell a diplomat convicted of DUI that in Washington, D.C.
The state governments enforce the clean water act and issue drilling permits, not the federal government. The law is federal, but all states and many Indian tribes have the enforcement authority. It is delegated by the EPA to the states.
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #393  
The state governments enforce the clean water act and issue drilling permits, not the federal government. The law is federal, but all states and many Indian tribes have the enforcement authority. It is delegated by the EPA to the states.
It’s pay to play.
We all know that.

I’ve seen more power/money/influence get their way with bending or breaking rules in the country than I would ever care to admit.
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #394  
Tell a diplomat convicted of DUI that in Washington, D.C.

Or check out the new car battery plant the Chinese are proposing building in Michigan. The Chinese will be making the rules there.

You just watch & see. If that project goes through, the Chinese will have it their way.

It’s all about the Benjamin’s, boss. Money buys influence.
Diplomatic immunity is an altogether different scenario.
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #395  
It’s pay to play.
We all know that.

I’ve seen more power/money/influence get their way with bending or breaking rules in the country than I would ever care to admit.
It might be but the enforcement authority is at the state government level, so the pay to play is also at that level. Since there are 50 states and many tribes that have enforcement authority, I’m sure there are many different versions of “enforcement.”
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #396  
It might be but the enforcement authority is at the state government level, so the pay to play is also at that level. Since there are 50 states and many bribes that have enforcement authority, I’m sure there are many different versions of “enforcement.”
Fixed it for you!:ROFLMAO:
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #397  
Some people have got together in one of our communities and are planning on installing a huge multi-acre solar farm on property adjacent to my daughter's and sister-in-law's property. They will be surrounded to the north and south of their properties and across the road. Their property value will go to nearly nothing.
Why will their property value go to nearly nothing? The solar farm will spoil the view they did not own?
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   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #399  
Years ago we fought cell towers in our county and won. We were not opposed to cell service but 200 ft. towers with lights on top. Cell service can be some 300 ft. towers, it takes more 200 ft. ones and many more 50ft. ones...but same coverage.
That is brilliant. So rather than one eyesore you forced the tower company to build 10 eyesores.
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #400  
I doubt it was your $5200 that they gave to Steve. If Steve is anything like many of us he pays WAY more in federal income taxes than $5200. I think your money was used to shoot down a balloon. :)
To get the PV tax credit one must owe at least that much in that year. The Federal government does not pay, but counts the PV tax credit toward what you owe that year.

If you get at $5200 tax credit but only owe $3000 then you only get $3000 of credit, the $2200 remainder is lost, no carry-over.
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