Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #164,621  
Good Morning!!!! 56F @ 4:30AM. Plentiful sunshine. High 72F. Winds NNW at 10 to 15 mph.
Beautiful day yesterday, looks like another one today. Cooler into next week, still no rain in the 10-day.
I also have to find my electrical contact cleaner. My ignition switch is giving me grief again. If I can't find it, does anyone know of a cleaner that will work without tearing the switch out and apart?
+1. DeOxIt to the rescue!

Yesterday I cleaned up the first of three trees that came down in the same storm that took off the porch cover. There were still plenty of coals in the burn pile, but it took a while for the branches to really get going. Should have loaded more dry wood from the other wood pile on first to get the flames higher. Still have two more trees to go, so I have another chance to do it right today.

Mail person finally delivered the "vacation hold" mail, only two days late this time. Should have been delivered on Thursday.

The transmission on the touring bike is still leaking. I need to get under there with a strong light to confirm, but it's probably the neutral switch I replaced with a new one because they always leak eventually. I guess the new one didn't feel like waiting for eventually to come around.

Got the new batteries installed in the truck, so one less thing to worry about.

More seat time today; there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend.
   / Good morning!!!! #164,622  
Good Morning
I’ll defer to the Tempest for the weather report again.

What it doesn’t say is that it is grey and dreary out, and not going to get any better.

Yesterday I got to finish the dividing head, after spending some time on the Internet and YouTube, I figured out that I was missing a part, a cupped spacer between the crank and the index wings. That explained the “wonkiness” when using it. The original was steel, I made one out of brass, because I had piece of 2” round bar, and I didn’t have it in steel. You can see the part just behind the crank arm. It’s 1.8” OD with a .625” bore and 1.125 counterbore .375” deep. It works like a dream now. I should have fixed it up before I used it.


Not a lot planned today, we are going to keep the grandson entertained while his mom goes to a Super Bowl party. My son is not even remotely interested in football, his wife is a huge Eagles fan. Ironically, he has to go to the game in Phoenix for work, and would much prefer to be home.

Probably tinker in the shop for a while, and play with Zoe until grandson arrives.
   / Good morning!!!! #164,624  
Good morning! 29˚F heading to the mid 60s, South wind, partly cloudy.

The limb removal and burn at church went well, with 9 people helping we got half way through in 4 hours. My chainsaw worked perfectly and the new chain sliced effortlessly through the oak, went through 2 tanks of fuel. Some ice broken limbs were up to 8" in diameter. anything over 2" on the limbs was cut up to firewood. Another person brought his pole saw which was not as long as the one I ordered but got 90% of the hangers down.

When I got home I took the new EGO tiller for its first spin in the garden. It works as expected and tills the top 6" beautifully and only uses up half of one battery for the entire garden. It tore through pencil size tree roots with ease. If it would till deeper it would be even better and I would not have to make multiple passes. It will work good in the new raised beds also, easy to lift and control.

Tomorrow a cardiologist will be the guest speaker at the plant based meeting since February is heart month. The Century Study that I participated in for 5 years (5 years ago) is wrapping up and will be completed later this year and the results by next year. I tried to get a preview I could share with the group but they were still compiling information for the extended group (10 year participants) and were very protective of their data. They asked me to be in the extended 10 year group but I feel good and really don't want to drive to Houston and have a PET scan while my heart is chemically stressed. My last PET scan was all bright colors which indicated good circulation and it showed my heart disease did not progress during the 5 year study, comparing year one scan to year five scan.

Got my mom a 23 and me D&A test the results should be coming back this month. Anyone with aging parents should consider this, I wish I would have done it for my dad.
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   / Good morning!!!! #164,626  
Morning all, 34 going up to 47, WU says sunny, thick cloud cover says different.
Took the hint from the warm weather to go out and cut down the ornamental grasses and trim the bushes. Love the Echo long handled gas hedge trimmer, done in a few hours with most of the time hauling the grass stems down to the woods.
My old gas trimmer would struggle to make it through the thick stems.

Today is SuperBowl at my cousins up along the NY/NJ border, about 2hours each way.

L4N - when you move the SMV sign do you have to do it slowly?

Got my son to help with his amp power socket replacement. walked him through how a power supply works and pointed out the parts to him, wonder if he will remember any of it.

Fox on front door video show it having a seat on our front steps and contemplating nature, will try to get a snapshot later.
Before, one of the 9 larger grass clusters


From our local distillery, story to go with it, but will save for another time
   / Good morning!!!! #164,627  
Good morning to all! Low was 30°, going up to 52-54°. Clouds moving in throughout the day. High probability of snow overnight then again on Tuesday. Highs will be steadily going lower until Wed, when it will get to 32° as a high.

Unfortunately, these storms are also bringing wind along, 25-35mph to start today, increasing to 50-55mph by Wednesday.

No coughing fits last night, but took a while to fall asleep. Maybe after an hour or so, finally found a comfortable position and slept through the night. This morning evacuated another bunch of mucous initially, but seem to be remaining clear for the time being.... fingers crossed!

Today's agenda will be to prevent the couch from moving..... might have to prevent the bed from moving too.....

Go Eagles!
I have only been to 2 Eagles games, both many years ago at Vets Stadium. First was more to watch my then girlfriend (now wifey) march at halftime in the Temple U. marching band. The second was with my new FIL the next year. Haven't been back to an "in person" football game since.....

Everyone have a great day!
   / Good morning!!!! #164,628  
44F with abundant sunshine once again @ 11:30, heading to around 53F for the high today. Low this morning was 20.5F. Brrr ...

Still no signs of drippage in tub/shower as of 30 minutes ago ... (y)

Bluetooth ear muffs located up in the shop .. on the hook right where I put them ... 🤬

Got channel recesses dado'ed out in the 4 boards that will make up the frame for the portable downdraft sanding table yesterday. These are where the pegboard will sit on the top. Still need to do a grove on the bottom edges for the bottom cover which will be a scrap piece of thin plywood I found over in the barn.

Also cut some plywood scraps up that will be used internally to hold some 1/8 hardboard that will form a hopper to channel the sawdust down to the dust collection port.

Used new goggles to keep the sawdust out of my eyes, they worked great ... (y)

Got last part of the shelves on the north wall in the garage vacuumed off, boxed up parts for the old Weber grill and got those stowed away there, along with a couple pieces of filter fabric. Also did some addition vacuuming to clean up mess I am making.

Took out all the 4 shelves in the plastic (Rubbermaid ?) storage cabinet that we use to store various chemicals in the garage, cleaned those, cut cardboard liners for them, and got 2 of them reinforced with some those plywood strips I cut and then got the items from 2 of the shelves all reloaded into the cabinet.

The shelves have a tendency to sag in the middle over time being cheap plastic. Did this for the cabinet up in the shop, but I used angle iron for those.

Put together the second set of cheap shelves and found a place to put them. Well on the way to getting it filled up too ... :LOL:

Agenda for the rest of the day today:

Since there should be good heat gain with all the sun, probably head up to the shop and fire up the double barrel stove, get it warmed up in there, and shoot the dust collection barrel lid with primer then top coat it.

Doing that will make some more of the cardboard go away, which will make it easier to move around in there.

Get Danish Oil applied to the last two edges on the butcher block for the router table top.

Get the grooves cut for the bottom of the portable sanding table and the bottom piece trimmed to size. Maybe work on getting the frame work put together.

Refill hopper and deer feeders.

Plus whatever else comes up.

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday ... (y)
   / Good morning!!!! #164,629  
Good Morning.

Struggles continue as I negotiage the separation steps and divorce (i say that because she is not negotiating). Anyway, Trusting God, Waiting On The Lord, Praying my way through this mess. I will check-in when I can. Prayers appreciated. Happy Sunday.
   / Good morning!!!! #164,630  
24°F and clear skies this morning, going up to 54° today. We're having a beautiful weekend here, for February. Supposed to get into the mid-60s Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm OK with that.

Wife bathed all the dogs yesterday. Foster pup did very good. Today, she's grooming ours.

Music on the schedule for me today, and that's about it.

I'm a light sneezer, Ron. Not just the sun, but pretty much any bright light.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Good morning, gents.