Do I Ned vents in my new well house

   / Do I Ned vents in my new well house #1  


Silver Member
Jan 4, 2010
Perry, GA
New holland 3930
I am building a new well house to replace my old one that was in bad shape. I poured a concrete pad and insulated the walls and ceiling of the new house. I bought two 4" round vents that I was going to place on the front wall near the top of the roof. The house is sealed up and pretty tight, but I am beginning to wonder if I need to install the vents. I live in middle georgia and we don't have too many days below freezing.

I initially thought I should install the vents so that the house could have some fresh air and if I have water vapor coming into the house thru the floor the vents would help the moisture escape but on the other hand the vents would pretty much negate any benefits of the insulation I have incorporated into the house. Anyone have any opinions on thei?



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   / Do I Ned vents in my new well house #2  
If I did anything it would be two small vents (one high and one low) that I could open and close as needed. I don’t think you need much.
   / Do I Ned vents in my new well house #3  
^^^^^^agree with adding the vents. In the summer, leave them open to exhaust the humidity/ moisture. In the winter / chance of freezing, you can close them up.
   / Do I Ned vents in my new well house #4  
If the ceiling does not have a vapor barrier, moisture can escape through the ceiling and into a well vented attic.
   / Do I Ned vents in my new well house #5  
Mine looks similar but w/ an A frame roof{removable}
I live in SC & haven't had any issues w/ freezing or sweating...30 years.
I recently skinned it w/ "tin".. sides & roof to match the garage/shop..
I have 2" insulation foam board on the inside.
   / Do I Ned vents in my new well house #6  
We have a similar pump house here in mid-Georgia, i.e. about 16' x 24' x 12', metal roof with vinyl siding. A single gable vent is more than enough venting. No problem with freezing nor heat.
   / Do I Ned vents in my new well house #7  
We have a similar pump house here in mid-Georgia, i.e. about 16' x 24' x 12', metal roof with vinyl siding. A single gable vent is more than enough venting. No problem with freezing nor heat.

Are your sure you should call this a pump house? Sounds like a large shed to me. :)
   / Do I Ned vents in my new well house #8  
I added 2 vents to mine and I block them off during winter.
   / Do I Ned vents in my new well house #9  
You will likely have enough leakage around the door to vent any moisture that may accumulate in the well house. With a concrete pad, you aren't going to get much vapor buildup. I find it much easier to keep a well house (or any other outside structure warm in winter if it has no vents to let warm air escape. Summer heat will expel any moisture even if it is well insulated.
I wouldn't put in any vents that have to be opened and closed with the weather, just something else to worry with.
   / Do I Ned vents in my new well house #10  
If you chosen vents have some sort screening back side,may help keep bee's wasp out.