Nearly got shot today

   / Nearly got shot today #21  
"nearly getting shot" would get my shorts (don't wear panties) in a bunch...:D
   / Nearly got shot today #22  
Once again, the guy did not draw a gun. He didn't put his hand on it. He didn't threaten me. Good grief. What a bunch of politically correct .......... I said his hand "twitched". He raised up a little in the chair he was sitting in using a laptop on the counter. His hand moved back and gripped the side of the counter. When I saw that movement and realized what I had said I imagined he was moving his hand towards the holstered gun.

Can't even tell a funny story anymore without people getting their panties in a wad.

And I imagine most of those getting upset 'probably' wear panties.


(There I go running my mouth again. Don't you guys realize I do it on purpose.)

When first read your story I kind of thought you were just humoring.. mainly because I do the same thing! Sometimes it backfires a little :D

It makes for a better/funnier story.
   / Nearly got shot today #23  
Once again, the guy did not draw a gun. He didn't put his hand on it. He didn't threaten me. Good grief. What a bunch of politically correct .......... I said his hand "twitched".

You stated "The clerk did not see the owner's hand move slightly toward the holster. I did. His hand and face both twitched a little but. Brain quickly reengaged with the mouth and I stood quietly not saying anything."

You overblew it or most likly misinterpreted the actions of the store owner, got it:thumbsup::D
   / Nearly got shot today #24  
I'll say it again, The OP is allowed some literary license.
   / Nearly got shot today #25  
I'll say it again, The OP is allowed some literary license.

Sure he is, and the rest of use are going to respond, so lighten up buttercup. <-- That's my mouth engaging before my brain. Haven't had coffee yet, and woke up to an emergency, something about life safety issue.

BTW, good story, including exaggerated owners hand twitch. :laughing:
   / Nearly got shot today #26  
Sure he is, and the rest of use are going to respond, so lighten up buttercup. <-- That's my mouth engaging before my brain. Haven't had coffee yet, and woke up to an emergency, something about life safety issue.

BTW, good story, including exaggerated owners hand twitch. :laughing:

"Buttercup"?:laughing: I'm going to go pop some popcorn
   / Nearly got shot today #27  
Nothing gets your attention faster than having a gun pointed at you. Happened to me twice. First time: 16 years old, working part time at a local grocery store. Saturday evening. December. Working alone at the checkout counter. Guy in an overcoat points a gun at me and says empty the till or else. He got about $150. Second time: 1994. Moscow, Russia. Working on the ISS project. Walking with a friend to the flea market. Held up at gunpoint. Lost about $100.

I have a different viewpoint on gun control than most people as a result.

Had a gun pointed at me when I was 18 back in 1970. Had just finished pumping gas for a customer when he got out and pointed a gun at me asking for all the money. I almost crapped my shorts and my reflex action squeezed the pump nozzle dousing him with gas. At that point I think he crapped his pants and I told him don't shoot because the flame coming out of the gun would set him on fire. He hopped back in his car and took off without any money. I reported him to P.D. with description and license plate and they caught him less than 5 miles away.

"Gun control" ... packing personal protection with the patience not to pull it without particular purpose.

So far, nobody's shot me but some crazy guy named jon ... who didn't own, but later bought the gun that was used. Eventually, I resold that P3AT and kept my first one. (couldn't operate the backhoe with one in each hand anyway....)

Good news is that I kept the hand and thumb, and was playing piano and guitar again in 3 months ... and without the 'trigger thumb' that had bothered me for a few years. Sometimes you get lucky. Hard to believe that I'm better off, now ..

btw, EVERY year from '04 'til I retired my '5 point' was first one up on our shop's buck pole, accurate as 'left' but with the blood drip horribly misplaced somewhere up in the palm. I never won the pool, but I'm still laughing about that 'honor' ... :)

I thought "Gun Control" was knowing how to properly and accurately shoot a gun with either hand.
   / Nearly got shot today
  • Thread Starter
Had a gun pointed at me when I was 18 back in 1970. Had just finished pumping gas for a customer when he got out and pointed a gun at me asking for all the money. I almost crapped my shorts and my reflex action squeezed the pump nozzle dousing him with gas. At that point I think he crapped his pants and I told him don't shoot because the flame coming out of the gun would set him on fire. He hopped back in his car and took off without any money. I reported him to P.D. with description and license plate and they caught him less than 5 miles away.

I thought "Gun Control" was knowing how to properly and accurately shoot a gun with either hand.

That story makes me think about when my youngest daughter was in high school. She was pumping gas at a local station and noticed two or three boys in a car staring at her. They came over to her and started asking for directions getting closer all the time. One of them said 'we are from Illinois and we are lost'. She asked him why he had Tennessee license plates if he was from Illinois. He called her some name and started toward her and she pulled the nozzle out and pointed it at him. She told him she would soak all them in gas and set them on fire. They turned and left cussing her. I believe they were trying to lure her to their car.

I still don't know how she intended to set them on fire.

Her mom had a complete meltdown over the incident. Told her the next time to run into the store.

I was proud.

I did NOT raise helpless girls.

   / Nearly got shot today #29  
That story makes me think about when my youngest daughter was in high school. She was pumping gas at a local station and noticed two or three boys in a car staring at her. They came over to her and started asking for directions getting closer all the time. One of them said 'we are from Illinois and we are lost'. She asked him why he had Tennessee license plates if he was from Illinois. He called her some name and started toward her and she pulled the nozzle out and pointed it at him. She told him she would soak all them in gas and set them on fire. They turned and left cussing her. I believe they were trying to lure her to their car.

I still don't know how she intended to set them on fire.

Her mom had a complete meltdown over the incident. Told her the next time to run into the store.

I was proud.

I did NOT raise helpless girls.


That's awesome.
   / Nearly got shot today #30  
This whole story is sooo BS.

Funny, but BS. No one in this story was even remotely close to getting shot.

It's totally an attempt at humor concerning a very serious topic. :)

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