/ WHAT DO U GUYS DO? #1  


Super Member, Rest in Peace
Mar 30, 2001
kubota b2400- R4 tires
WELL here it is late march, going into april, and here in western NY, the snow is mostly gone, the temp is moderating (50 t0 60 deg some days) but it is SO DAMM WET, can't rake the yard, can't use the tractor, can't get the GT out to do anything. am starting to get the shakes wanting to get out there, now bear in mind this is the first spring i have gone into being retired, have more time to do what i want but can't get out there. what do u guys do to slack the thirst for working outdoors when u can't.i suppose i am going to get flooded with pics(i hope) of u southern or western guys, cutting your grass /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif i need sunshine and and dry ground! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif just venting.
   / WHAT DO U GUYS DO? #2  
I like to spend the time giving advice on killing groundhawgs, drilling ROPs, reading about spot-lit helicopters and such... /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Or, I clean the basement, work on computers, play chess with the 11 year old, play Polly Fashion with the 6 year old, tease the cat, watch the history channel, experiment in the kitchen, go out to the garage and look at the tractor... stuff like that. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I took up the laundry, half the meals and all the grocery shopping, too.
   / WHAT DO U GUYS DO? #3  
You guys are really painting a pretty ugly picture of retirement for me!!! I'm only 43, but the wife is looking for me to retire sometime around age 50. I'm thinking it is more likely I will die of old age at my office desk . . . especially if I have to look forward to doing 1/2 the laundry, and other chores that I currently try to avoid. As for what I do, I am the president of a distribution company that sells about 5000+ differnent products to Gas Stations, C-Store, etc across northern Indiana and Illinois. My job has me living in front of a computer which is why I post so often on TBN.
   / WHAT DO U GUYS DO? #4  
WHAT DO U GUYS DO? Get my tractor stuck and make ruts.

   / WHAT DO U GUYS DO? #5  
Never fear, after the first shock of no workplace give it a little time and a whole new workplace will develop. The hours will be longer, coffee breaks limited, pay poor and the boss will be very demanding. Time off may be limited. You may even wish you were back at work so you could get some rest.

Egon. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
   / WHAT DO U GUYS DO? #6  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( what do u guys do )</font>

Well, down here in the warm south, I mowed the yard (in spite of little sprinkles of rain now and then). Just a very small yard, but still had to stop and empty the grass catcher 12 times (yard hadn't been mowed since last Saturday). Oh . . ., and I went and bought a big beef brisket that I'll barbecue on the grill tomorrow, rain or shine. /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
   / WHAT DO U GUYS DO? #7  
Great time to be in the shop woodworking!
  • Thread Starter
OH! did not mean to imply i did not like being retired . i love it. just i need to be outside now and the weather won't let me. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
   / WHAT DO U GUYS DO? #9  
You need to get that belly mower off of that thing and get some R-1 tires if you are going to play in the mud.
   / WHAT DO U GUYS DO? #10  
Retired ? I have never been busier ! I try to spend time in Panama in the winter working with the locals ,teaching building trades . Summer will find me in Idaho fixing the old ranch that always needs a ton of work . Spring is in California fixing broken stuff so I can do it all again over the coming year . You have to have a working plan when you retire . Otherwise the wife will make your plans for you ! That may not be a good thing . I can't imagine sitting around retired !
Big Al