The Path to 9/11

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   / The Path to 9/11 #2  
I am looking forward to it.
I've heard it really highlights the lack of willingness of the Clinton administration to deal with Islamic terrorism and there desire to kill us.

I am really surprised that it will air on ABC, being as biased as they are...
   / The Path to 9/11
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kennyd said:
I am looking forward to it.
I've heard it really highlights the lack of willingness of the Clinton administration to deal with Islamic terrorism and there desire to kill us.

I am really surprised that it will air on ABC, being as biased as they are...

My understanding is it gets beyond even that.
   / The Path to 9/11 #4  
I'm not a Clinton fan in any sense of the word, but he did try to address terrorism in the courts. It failed miserably. Ronald Reagan also failed with terrorism in Beriut.

We learned that diplomacy is a total waste of time when people are willing to die to kill you for no other reason, than you don't share there religous view.

If you can't reason with them, and they are activly attacking you and killing you, then the only solution is to kill them first.

If you ever want to know what the solution is, ask Jimmy Carter and do the oposite!!!!!!!!

Treat them like biting insects.

   / The Path to 9/11 #5  
The movie is the "Hollywood" edition of the 9/11 commision report, in case you have read it. Basically, the ball was dropped by many people, meaning more than one administration and by lots and lots of experts, our intelligence agencies as well as normal citizens for not being more vigilant. Let's not try to play politics by blaming one administration or another, the fact is that it happened, and just like many other things you learn from your mistakes, and hopefully you won't make the same mistake the next time.

I grew up in Germany where terrrorism was just a fact of life, you had groups such as Bader Meinhof and the RAF causing trouble every few years or so by bombing a disco or kidnapping some executives family, etc....yes it isn't the same scale as the WTC, however, the intended goal was the same.

I would encourage you to read the commission report as most likely a lot of facts are going to be left out in the movie. I am looking forward to the movie, as quite frankly the reading of the book was pretty dry at times, but very worthwhile.

Unfortunately, terrorism is something that is going to stay, if it doesn't come from AlQuida, it will come from some other source, even a domestic version, look at the OKC bombing. We just have to be more vigilant about our lives, but can't let the terrorist control it by us living in fear.

Sorry for the rant.

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   / The Path to 9/11 #6  
Yep, there's plenty of blame to go around, I'm looking forward to seeing it.
   / The Path to 9/11 #7  
I agree with Derek on not blaming any one administration. I also never truely believe everything that comes out of any government commission because there are always members with an agenda. Hindsight is always 20/20 and it's da** tough to deal with people willing to kill themselves in order to kill others.:mad:

As far as the show goes, I will watch it, then comment about it.
   / The Path to 9/11
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The movie is the "Hollywood" edition of the 9/11 commision report, in case you have read it.

How would you know, it has not even been shown yet. Do you have access to such things we do not? RaT...
   / The Path to 9/11 #9  
_RaT_ said:
The movie is the "Hollywood" edition of the 9/11 commision report, in case you have read it.

How would you know, it has not even been shown yet. Do you have access to such things we do not? RaT...
You are right, I have not seen the movie, but here is the description on the making of the movie, what it is based on.

ABC - The making of the path to 9/11

Here is the particular quote(s) in question:

ABC will present "The Path to 9/11," a dramatization of the events detailed in The 9/11 Commission Report and other sources, in an epic miniseries event that will air with limited commercial interruption.


The 9/11 Commission Report instantly became a national bestseller when it was published in July 2004. Writer Cyrus Nowrasteh ("The Day Reagan Was Shot") uses this historic document as the basis for a powerful story with action as gripping and far reaching as the source material itself.

   / The Path to 9/11
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hilld said:
You are right, I have not seen the movie, but here is the description on the making of the movie, what it is based on.

ABC - The making of the path to 9/11

Here is the particular quote(s) in question:

ABC will present "The Path to 9/11," a dramatization of the events detailed in The 9/11 Commission Report and other sources, in an epic miniseries event that will air with limited commercial interruption.


The 9/11 Commission Report instantly became a national bestseller when it was published in July 2004. Writer Cyrus Nowrasteh ("The Day Reagan Was Shot") uses this historic document as the basis for a powerful story with action as gripping and far reaching as the source material itself.


Yes, I read that, but I did not reach the same conclusion as you. Perhaps after seeing it I may.
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