Student Loan Debt?

   / Student Loan Debt? #891  
We looked at a nice house on 7 acres in the country that was deed restricted. Reminds me of an HOA but I'm not sure how a deed restriction can be enforced.
It stayed on the market for about a year and that was in 2017. People like their cows and horses in this area.
Personally I would have liked to have lived there knowing there were things the neighbors cannot do.
My very uniformed understanding was deed restrictions typically only dealt with home size and site build vs manufactured. Never heard if how to have them modified, as they often were written in the 1970s.

On enforcement, I would think it would be code enforcement, or would a mad neighbor have to take you to court, a d basically have a judge declare you deed is invalid?

Well; on 3rd thought; it's not entirely uncommon to have a deed provision on shared use access when a parent parcel is divided, to reduce the number of accesses that don't meet spacing criteria.
   / Student Loan Debt?
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Lots of deed restrictions became unenforceable decades later.

I bought a home in East Oakland years ago with deed restrictions preventing ownership by anyone of the Mongoloid race and the keeping of farm animals such as chickens, pigs, cows etc.

Race restrictions not enforceable and up to 6 hens may be kept.

Another has deed restrictions on rooftop apparatus such as antennas which later included dish and solar… also not enforceable.

Another was mandatory shake roof and percentage of maintained lawn… lawn went away with a fight during drought and shake now banned going back to 1991 fire storm.
   / Student Loan Debt? #893  
One issue is, I dont think many people will admit they made a mistake taking on the large amounts of debt to get some of these degrees. They are Way too invested, and they will defend to the death the decision, even when you can mathematically prove they aren't seeing any payback numbers.

If you spent $100k to get a degree that pays $35k; we can pretty easily prove you wasted both your time and money; but they won't own up to it.

At the Same time; we have people that will 100% deny that taking on debt to increase your earning ability is always a bad move.

Like so many things; moderation, and also more than one way to get to the same goal.
There is another intangible component to college studies. There are lots of jobs that pay more than I make, and yes I would have been ahead financially to skip college and open a plumbing company. But I have spent the past 43 years doing a job I enjoy and I identify with the profession. Most people work 40+ years in their life and you may as well spend those years doing something that you enjoy.
   / Student Loan Debt? #894  
True. I skipped college and plan to retire from my chosen career at 48. I'll continue to work in a field with less responsibility and stress however. College would have never given the ROI this career did, I've been tremendously blessed. I've loved this journey and will never forget the things I've seen and the adventures I've had. I'd rather do something I love, than something that pays a little better, yet I hate. I'm getting out of this career before I begin to hate it... I'm already getting close. Ive never been truly in love with white collar work, but it's the uniform I had to wear to do what I truly loved.
   / Student Loan Debt? #895  
True. I skipped college and plan to retire from my chosen career at 48. I'll continue to work in a field with less responsibility and stress however. College would have never given the ROI this career did, I've been tremendously blessed. I've loved this journey and will never forget the things I've seen and the adventures I've had. I'd rather do something I love, than something that pays a little better, yet I hate. I'm getting out of this career before I begin to hate it... I'm already getting close. Ive never been truly in love with white collar work, but it's the uniform I had to wear to do what I truly loved.
Everyone should pursue a career they enjoy doing. If possible. It makes going to work in the morning a lot more fun. Good for you if you want to retire. I’m at retirement age but have no plans to do so even though I am financially ready. Because I enjoy what I do managing forest land.
   / Student Loan Debt? #896  
My very uniformed understanding was deed restrictions typically only dealt with home size and site build vs manufactured. Never heard if how to have them modified, as they often were written in the 1970s.

On enforcement, I would think it would be code enforcement, or would a mad neighbor have to take you to court, a d basically have a judge declare you deed is invalid?

Well; on 3rd thought; it's not entirely uncommon to have a deed provision on shared use access when a parent parcel is divided, to reduce the number of accesses that don't meet spacing criteria.
Enforcement of deed restrictions is a civil/legal matter. Deed restrictions are not enforced by the town or county, they are not zoning code.
   / Student Loan Debt? #897  
Enforcement of deed restrictions is a civil/legal matter. Deed restrictions are not enforced by the town or county, they are not zoning code.
So, would the complaining party have to prove that you have negatively impacted them to take it to court?
   / Student Loan Debt? #898  
Everyone should pursue a career they enjoy doing. If possible. It makes going to work in the morning a lot more fun. Good for you if you want to retire. I’m at retirement age but have no plans to do so even though I am financially ready. Because I enjoy what I do managing forest land.

I'm tired of being up at 4am, working 13 hour days, sleeping in hotels and never being home.

I love flying. I hate the lifestyle.
   / Student Loan Debt? #899  
I hope I can retire from HAVING to work, or at least this hard when I'm 50. I had a goal to get more of a desk job by 40 and was able to meet that at 32, moving from electrician to engineer

The trades you pay with your body, not college debt.

I've met guys who took on big college debt and paid it down quick. Few thousand a month. Just meant hobbies and vacations had to take the back burner. Doing it before having a family, buying a house and such is the way to do it

I skated by and had my degree paid for by tax payers.
   / Student Loan Debt? #900  
I've been in my career for 22 years now after graduating Magna *** Laude from a state university. What I've found is that the things you enjoy at 25 are not necessarily the things you enjoy at 45 and certainly won't enjoy at 65. Life changes, priorities change, and interests change. So what it boils down to is earning a living and keeping the bills paid, and lots of times I wonder if it would have been better to leave off the years of paying college debt and just go straight to work in a trade. I would have been far ahead financially, and may have still ended up happy and doing something cool at this middle-aged point in life anyhow.

My son is almost 17 and I'm 99% sure he is not going to waste time in college.