Status of Everything Attachments

   / Status of Everything Attachments #1,181  
I think there was a hearing today in court on the restraining order and the transfer of all assets to the bank. Wonder if Hickory Record will report on it. Hoping the Hickory Record actually does some real journalism...would love to see investigative journalism rather than write about things we already know.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #1,183  
The difference between what I posted and this is one is before and one is after moving to Emmanuel Church Rd.
Looking at Google Earth history, it appears that EA moved from this location to Emmanuel Church Rd sometime in 2019, before the Covid rush. The GE satellite images show an apparently unused building on November 15, 2018 and staffed and occupied building with finished implements in the yard on August 29, 2019.
Guessing that Ted saw the Covid rush as being a sign if things to come so he decided to triple his production floor space when maybe he should have just tripled his hours of production. (hindsight is 20-20) When the Covid bubble burst he was in over his head. Not too much different from what happened to a lot of land developers in 2006-8. The difference is what he did to try to hold on, and worse still what he did when he knew he couldn't hold on much longer.
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   / Status of Everything Attachments #1,185  
3 Horse Ranch: "
Just guessing on my part, but I think the photos are 2017-2019 vintage, the image on the trailer says to email Rick, which is a name I've not seen mentioned in this thread.
Rick Huffman, sales guy.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #1,186  
The website is still up so I perused it. Making that much equipment AND being a rep for all those other brands (many of which competed with EA) was getting way out over their skis. No wonder Ted face planted.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #1,187  
The website is still up so I perused it. Making that much equipment AND being a rep for all those other brands (many of which competed with EA) was getting way out over their skis. No wonder Ted face planted.
I'm sure that the divorce didn't help.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #1,188  
Reminds me of an historic statement.

"This is not the end - it is not even the beginning of the end. However - it may well be the end of the beginning."

Sir Winston Churchill - commenting on WW11 and the German aerial bombing of London.
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   / Status of Everything Attachments #1,189  
The website is still up so I perused it. Making that much equipment AND being a rep for all those other brands (many of which competed with EA) was getting way out over their skis. No wonder Ted face planted.

I wondered about that way back, when EA was making attachments in competition with attachments they were only distributing. Couldn't make them too popular with suppliers.

Random thought: someone posted here that Ted was considering a run for Congress. If true, that would be one data point for delusions of grandeur. Over-expansion might be another.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #1,190  
The business looks like it got caught by its own karma. They sold short and lent long and that didn't work when the price of steel and labor spiked and the price they pre-sold stayed the same. You lose on each order out the door.

That's a slow bleed on escrowed funds and a grade school math problem on how long those trains run before they meet each other.