Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong

   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #18,001  
Still used on CB for accidents/backups/etc. Back in the day (70's) was used for "bear" reports pretty extensively. "Breaker Breaker you all got a comedian mounty takin' pictures at the 172 & the bird dog just barked at the 190. Other than that, last I seen was a bear in the air between the 90 and 125 yard lines... come on"
Yes, CB was important in the years before the general public relied on Waze etc for that information.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #18,002  
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #18,003  
That's why I have a tilt deck. The back of the trailer is on the ground.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #18,004  
I would have backed the tractor off the trailer in that particular case. It looked like the guy had time to shut off the tractor and jump. Not too bright. I've seen trailers pop off the ball before as well. I would not use a trailer or ramps like that to haul a tractor. :rolleyes:
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #18,005  
I would have backed the tractor off the trailer in that particular case. It looked like the guy had time to shut off the tractor and jump. Not too bright. I've seen trailers pop off the ball before as well. I would not use a trailer or ramps like that to haul a tractor. :rolleyes:
Another reason why any tandem over 10k equipment that I own and use trailer has a foolproof (mostly) pintle hitch. I'll also add driving larger equipment on trailers is hard on the drivetrain (stopping and starting) on a trailer deck really can rock the towing vehicle parking brake on or not. My hope is by chocking the wheels I will never be seen on YouTube or this thread for a runaway truck and trailer, 😂.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #18,006  
I put jacks on the back of my flatbed. Never liked driving heavy things up the ramps and seeing the back of the trailer squat, or the back of the truck rise... Was simple and inexpensive. Easy to take off and store when not in use.
I made foldable stands that can only fold forward. This way they never fold up when i drive onto the ramps so the combination cant take off.

When i really load something heavy on uneven terrain, i simply reverse till they fold up, but usually they only touch the ground when driving on.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #18,007  
Another reason why any tandem over 10k equipment that I own and use trailer has a foolproof (mostly) pintle hitch. I'll also add driving larger equipment on trailers is hard on the drivetrain (stopping and starting) on a trailer deck really can rock the towing vehicle parking brake on or not. My hope is by chocking the wheels I will never be seen on YouTube or this thread for a runaway truck and trailer, .
There are tire chocks stored in the chain box on my trailer. I chock the tires every time.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #18,008  
There are tire chocks stored in the chain box on my trailer. I chock the tires every time.
My foldable jackstands are my tire chocks. They fold against the rear light bar made of 3mm steel (at a previous employer we used exactly the same profile as DOT approved rear underrun protection) so they really only fold one way. So theres alaways weight on the jacks that prohibit forward motion, or on the tow vehicles rear axle which the parking brake holds.

When in doubt on a hill, or when pulling a vehicle on the trailer by running two tie straps over the trailer and pulling with the unhitched tow vehicle in front, i can still pull the trailer parking brakes.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #18,009  
The first few times I towed my tractor I did not know about this issue and loaded up similar to the video guy but had the good fortune to be on flat ground so did not have any issues. Once I read about this potential here on TBN I started using jackstands under the rear of the trailer with a plywood pad below them on asphalt and was much safer. There are way too many things like this that people just don't know about, and too often find out the hard way. I got lucky. This guy? Not so much. There should be a class for this required as part of Driver's Ed or something. You may not remember it all years later, but hopefully something clicks and you look it up before you learn the hard lesson...
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #18,010  
Personally I think there should be "required" training or testing before anyone is allowed on the road with a trailer. Truckers over a certain size (which I don't agree with) must have a CDL, why not people towing trailers or owners of the big RV motor homes which is really a pet peeve of mine. And I certainly do not believe farmers should be over looked just because it is farm related. When I went to town the other day I counted no less than 3 separate places where large hay bales had been lost. We all have seen it, a double stack of hay with one strap, if your lucky but most of the time no straps. Or hauling a tractor with one chain keeping it on.

Yeah I know I am hitting a nerve here, big brother an all that (let the flaming begin), this is not about freedom or rights being taken away. Well I guess in some measure it is but YOUR freedom and rights END when it affects the health and safety of me and mine. Most likely I would complain about it as much as anyone having "to prove" the ability to handle a vehicle and/or trailer. But now days when there are so many that "THINK" they can drive, don't care about others on the road (road rage) and are distracted by... well it's just to long of a list.

Just look back in this thread at the number of people with pickups that are overloaded or poorly loaded or doing something just plain stupid and we make fun of them. Yet they are on the roads with us and the potential to injure or do worse someone else.

Take grandpa and grandma who purchase a mega RV buss, they get out of their sedan or eco car hook it on the back of the RV and without any proof they know HOW to do more than start the RV and put it in gear are turned loose on the driving public.

Then people with trailers as also evident by the many posts in this thread. Anyone who pulls a trailer should be "required" to prove they know how to properly distribute the load and secure it. And also prove they can back said trailer. I sold a piece of equipment to a young fellow a few years ago, claimed he had lots of towing/farm experience, I would have bet good money that he would not have been able to back a trailer in a 40 acre field. Finally after 30 minutes of watching (which was way longer than his girl friend or my nerves could take) and since he did not want anyone else driving his truck we unhooked his trailer and used a the tractor to put the trailer in place then reconnected the truck.

Or the pickup and trailer I got behind some weeks back, no lights on the trailer only one working light on the truck. He was hauling a car on a spradle wheel trailer with only one chain on the car to keep it from rolling off the back. Don't know what his plans were if he had to hit the brakes hard.

Or times at the boat ramp waiting while someone is using every inch of the ramp to attempt to launch their boat. Until finally allowing someone to help them or do it for them.

Would requiring proof stop any of this, no, but it might remove a few of the idiots and educate a few others. Unfortunately the way it is today, if you own something you can pull a trailer or haul a load then then it's "my right" to do it, safety be damn.

Agree or disagree, this is my opinion your entitled to yours.