Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment

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   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment
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Simple, refuse to register them. I am NOT a fan of this legislation forcing folks to buy something they don't want, can't afford and does nothing to help the cause.
Maybe 40-50 years ago, when they mandated charcoal canister collection systems on new cars/trucks, I got a "letter to the editor" published by the Chicago Sun-Times about that. I noted that the "fix" on the new cars would take quite a while to empliment a "fix" the gasoline vapor escaping issue. I asked/proposed putting sealed "systems" at the gas pumps to collect the vapors and return it to their big tanks.

The "big oil" companies must have a pretty good lobbyist operation. Still nothing on our pumps, so the vapors just fly out of the filler neck, as the new fuel goes in. (I think California may have something like I proposed - I've only been to that state once, and don't think I filled up the rental car.) Other states?
   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment
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They can enforce what is sold in the state. They cannot stop you from going out of state to buy an ICE. Of course they can also refuse to register and plate an ICE. That will upset people moving into the state.
This, or they can raise the rate (tax) the s*&^ out you to register an ICE veh. That is an easy legislative manuver.
   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment #123  
Maybe 40-50 years ago, when they mandated charcoal canister collection systems on new cars/trucks, I got a "letter to the editor" published by the Chicago Sun-Times about that. I noted that the "fix" on the new cars would take quite a while to empliment a "fix" the gasoline vapor escaping issue. I asked/proposed putting sealed "systems" at the gas pumps to collect the vapors and return it to their big tanks.

The "big oil" companies must have a pretty good lobbyist operation. Still nothing on our pumps, so the vapors just fly out of the filler neck, as the new fuel goes in. (I think California may have something like I proposed - I've only been to that state once, and don't think I filled up the rental car.) Other states?
All Costco stores have those devices on the filler nozzles.
   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment #124  
Several states have vapor recovery nozzles at the pump. Mostly those with poor air quality issues, and also those with overly intrusive governments, not to get too political... It solves part of the vapor release issues, but doesn't deal with it once it is in your car and the temp rises, for example. When that happens, it needs to vent somehow or the tank will eventually bulge or go boom. That is where the carbon cannister comes in. Allows them to "vent" to the cannister and capture it for reuse later rather than going to the atmosphere.
   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment
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That is where the carbon cannister comes in. Allows them to "vent" to the cannister and capture it for reuse later rather than going to the atmosphere.
I completely understand the vapor canister system on cars. New cars now have the sealed gas system monitored by the computer, and post the dreaded light if their is a leak or failure.

None of the Illinois/Chicago gas stations had/have anything more than a little corregated nozzle cover (to keep the fumes off the users hands), which is NOT the needed vapor recovery system I was suggesting. I'm going back to Illinois this weekend, and will change my reply, if they've changed.

I'd like to hear (pics?) from users in those states with them.
   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment #126  
Those corrugated covers are supposed to be connected to a fume recovery system that sucks the fumes back into the tank (or maybe into a carbon cannister). There should be an active draw on them when in use, if I understand it correctly. I could be wrong, but that was how it was explained to me years ago.
   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment #127  
Moving toward? I spent a couple years in the Seattle area (actually, closer to Everett) in the mid 70s and I found it way too socialist for my tastes even then.

The eastern vs western Washington situation is quite common in states where the majority of the population lives in one region, and the rest of the state is rural. Majority rules.
I've lived virtually all my life in Washington. What you experienced in the 70s is nothing like what it is now. Around 1980, Washington was "discovered" by California and the influx to the Puget Sound has made the state into California north (we called it Californication back in the 80s). East and west are as different as night and day in just about every aspect; wet vs dry; rural and ag vs urban and tech; sparsely populated vs densely (over) populated; conservative vs "progressive. I would be all for dividing this state in two and either joining with eastern Oregon or Idaho.
   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment
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Those corrugated covers are supposed to be connected to a fume recovery system that sucks the fumes back into the tank (or maybe into a carbon cannister). There should be an active draw on them when in use, if I understand it correctly. I could be wrong, but that was how it was explained to me years ago.
If they don't attach themselves or seal good to the filler neck, IF there is any suction going on, it won't be sucking the fumes - only air.
   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment #129  
I guess that's a new meaning to the RHCP song Californiacation, it does happen in other areas by different back grounds of folks though. quick ex. Older or younger city folks (usually) retire or move to rural areas unaccustomed to how things have went and go in there new area maybe something annoys them. so they try to impose there ways with ridiculous rules and regulations. Usually do this by getting on township boards, buy local businesses for a "hobby" maybe donate or volunteer there time and money thinking it gives them a right to make the area they moved into like what they lived in. In my experience and observations it usually backfires I've seen a thriving bar resort fail in a year when to extreme folks took it over and disliking ATV and snowmobile and anything for that matter with a ice, tried (unsuccessfully) to make a 400+ acre lake and tributaries non motorized, succeeded briefly putting a end to a trail and use of such vehicles on side roads.
Most locals of any political party I've briefly conversed with tend to agree a "happy medium" is the only way.
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   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment #130  
I remember when I was in other countries I used a small diesel powered jumping jack compactor. It had a manual decompression valve and was pull start.
I had one for a while; sold it a few years back. I think it was Wacker brand. Worked great. In California USA.
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