I’m ready for winter

   / I’m ready for winter #1  


Epic Contributor
Aug 7, 2005
Kubota L3301
One day of this 80 degree crap is enough for me. I want to get home at night, start a fire in the wood stove and not worry about the house getting too hot if I want to use the oven. The fire danger is so bad I need to be careful what I do... I had to help out one out a couple of days ago because some idget threw a cigarette out the window. I can’t work in my garden tonight anyways, the black flies would carry me off. We’ve got six more months of this before it gets tolerable again?

Have I ever mentioned that I don’t like heat? :D

PS: Have a good evening everybody!!!!
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   / I’m ready for winter #2  
Just told someone this afternoon that I was ready for some snow.....
   / I’m ready for winter #3  
Yep! I hear 'ya..... we hit 86° a couple of days ago. Way too hot for me already. We are only supposed to be in the upper 60's / low 70's this time of year. The forecast calls for temps in the high 80's by Sunday..... that's not supposed to happen until mid June !

Only one good thing about being this high up in elevation.... no mosquitoes, black flies, ticks, pesky insects. Oh, and ultra low humidity.
   / I’m ready for winter
  • Thread Starter
Just told someone this afternoon that I was ready for some snow.....
I have never liked heat. Years ago when I was self employed plus a lot more energetic I would DREAD the coming of summer. 2 1/2 gallons of water on my back along with my other gear, just to make it through the day. The heat itself exhausts me; at the end of the day I have less energy than if I'd been on snowshoes for an equal length of time.
   / I’m ready for winter #5  
Ahhh, New England after Winter. This week I had frost one morning, iced over water another morning and 80+ degrees today.
   / I’m ready for winter #6  
Never been a big one for hot weather myself, though probably not to the extent as you. April was cool & raw, now the other extreme. At least the humidity's been low...our weather station has showed it in the teens (!) the last few days.

For whatever reason, there are almost no ticks this year, and very few blackflies here at the house either. Better enjoy it while I can.
   / I’m ready for winter #7  
I may not be ready for winter, but I sure wasn't ready for today; I don't care much for heat myself, and all that sweat I produce just attracts all the obnoxious, small, bite-y bugs.

Ayuh, it sure was a day.
   / I’m ready for winter #9  
Yup, hate the heat and humidity as well. Sitting with the AC running.

Wouldn't mind this at all
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   / I’m ready for winter #10  
One day of this 80 degree crap is enough for me. I want to get home at night, start a fire in the wood stove and not worry about the house getting too hot if I want to use the oven. The fire danger is so bad I need to be careful what I do... I had to help out one out a couple of days ago because some idget threw a cigarette out the window. I can’t work in my garden tonight anyways, the black flies would carry me off. We’ve got six more months of this before it gets tolerable again?

Have I ever mentioned that I don’t like heat? :D

PS: Have a good evening everybody!!!!
I always look forward to winter, and then after 6 months indoors I look forward to summer and don’t mind heat after being cooped up indoors for so long. I hate the spring though: windy all the time, this year worse than normal.