Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #184,942  
RNG, what kind of ebikes did you get?
a hoist is a good idea. I had to buy the super lightweight one or hard to pick up.
But it has no suspension, thinking of finding one with a shock absorber in it, at least a front hydraulic fork.
I bet that adds a lot of weight though
   / Good morning!!!! #184,943  
We are at 54F and sunny. Going to 68F - Wow! Almost summer.

I plan to put some line on the trimmer and knock down some high spots in the yard. It could stand a good mowing. We will see. I also need to trim some hedges.

Picking up the mail at the P.O. shortly. It has been on hold while we were all out of town. May need to take a gas can and get some non-E mower gas while I'm out.

I have some real good tortilla soup in the 'fridge for later. One avacado left.

Prayers for our nation, all sick or not feeling well to recover soon! Hope everyone stays healthy, warm, well-fed and happy!
   / Good morning!!!! #184,944  
Good morning! Low of 21°, heading to 55°, sunny and light breezes. No precip in the near forecast.

Finally had a good night sleep. Only woke up once. Didn't even hear the wifey get up and put Max out an hour before I stirred. Hopefully it was a "reset" of the sleeping pattern.

Mike, I bet you're glad to be done bashing walls.... at least for now. That's a lot of concrete to move. I always tell myself "people pay to get a workout... I'm getting one for free".... I'm not sure if it helps or not.....

Drew, glad you got the seeds started. 12 week germination.... wouldn't think it was so long for an annual. You should be spot on for those April showers....

Need to run some errands in town today. Should eat up most of the day.

Everyone have a great day!
   / Good morning!!!! #184,945  

Mike, I bet you're glad to be done bashing walls.... at least for now. That's a lot of concrete to move. I always tell myself "people pay to get a workout... I'm getting one for free".... I'm not sure if it helps or not.....

Yeah...bashing stuff...the fun factor only lasts for so long.

This place has kept me fit, mentally, physically and spiritually. I have to remind myself of that.

No concrete to the dump today...something else just came up.
   / Good morning!!!! #184,946  
66°F and no rain.

Easy, do nothing day yesterday

Neighbor dog got into yard again. This time I did see general area of his exit. Will be inspecting area again, hopefully fix.

Zoom Happy Hour this afternoon.

Prayers for all
Be safe
Have a great day
   / Good morning!!!! #184,947  
avocados went back up to 2 bucks a piece here. I buy them constantly at a dollar.
clearly I'm going to have to up my game/budget. they are a good veggie, sure different.
or maybe they are a fruit?

called the local bicycle shop which is also e bikes now. Same location as my old old friends had there with the xmas shop
called Straw Star. I insured that little shop for many years. All Bavarian. No Chinese, big expensive nutcrackers, the real stuff.
Almost everything had Germany stamped on the bottom. Maybe West Germany back then?
So the last time I was in this little store off West Bridge Street in New Hope, where my Radio Shack was across the street and down a few,
the last time it was full of beautiful handcrafted decorations.
Now it might smell of Chinese tires... :giggle:

And I spoke with Mike at this shop about an ebike that rode softer than what I had, which truly beats me to death
with zero suspension and small tires. Rattles my arms like mad going over bumps.
I have the equivalent of permanent carpal tunnel in both wrists and hands. I sure wish I had a few zerks there...
I've had failed ulnar surgery on my right elbow, squashed from 25 years on a desk pushing a mouse. Leaning on that elbow.
Squashing the nerve. Could not transdispose/move it somewhere else. So they left it alone, said it was falling apart.
Squashed was their precise word.
So rattling that arm sets up another set of discomfort that I'm trying to avoid.
I'm not giving up easily...
I need bigger softer tires and at least suspension on one end.
He has one, for 2k with single suspension. And 5k for double suspension.
my current lightweight one which has performed flawlessly to its design was 800.
And I can pick it up pretty easily.
performance brings weight, functionality brings weight.
of course, likely for 10k you could have one in titanium...
BMW makes a very cool looking e bike.
Lot of options out there.
But I think I want to support the local guy.

David/Sodamo: a secret trap doggie door?
   / Good morning!!!! #184,949  
Afternoon all! Temps hovering between 32 and 33 all day. Snow cleanup is done. Around 5 inches of heavy wet stuff! Used the walk behind blower and it did ok. Still waiting on parts for the big blower. Looks like big cold spell coming after today with nights in the teens and single digits. At least day time temps will be seasonal! Going to just chill for the rest of the day.
Brother asked me to make a large paddle for when he is making pickles in a large kettle. I made one 19 inches long.(biggest I could make on my machine). Wife saw the completed one and wanted something too. So I made her my first spoon ever.
That's it for now. Need a nap!
Hope everyone stays safe and healthy!