Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #184,482  
14 going to 44.

Thomas, hope you earn supper today. I'm with you, did just enough. My wife and I cut each others' hair. Mine really needed it...the pile on the floor had hair 3 to 4 inches long.

I got started on taxes, and then hiked around here to check trail cams. Lots of red fox and a few coyote pix, with deer, possums, raccoon, squirrel, rabbits, turkey mixed in. Haven't picked up the usual skunk pix since it got super cold.
   / Good morning!!!! #184,484  
good morning all
18 out now but going up over freezing finally to a nice sunny day in high 30s.
Definitely a day to get outside

Mostly, so sorry you are sick. All this time I have managed to dodge the alligators so can't say
I feel for you, but I "feel" for you.... feel better soon.

going over to friend's home for home made turkey chili; I'm bringing some fresh pasta for the mix.
But on the way to her home in Doylestown, definitely going through car wash. We have a lot of rain coming later this week so
by next week the salt will be washed away. And then, I bet February brings more snow.

I hope my cd player comes today. If not, someone ripped it off. Interesting that Amazon said if it didn't show up today, instead of
past Saturday, I could claim a refund/replacement today, not four or five days from now. Interesting. I wonder if they know more than they are letting on.

RS, nice to hear from you. What ARE you doing in that shop, hiding away without a full report. Must be something good.
   / Good morning!!!! #184,485  
8 outside this AM. Heading to mid-40's. I think our cold spell is over for a little while.

Got the plumber coming today for a Milk House hookup. Maybe a hot water heater and two sinks. Not sure about the bathroom as no floor or wall work has been undertaken since the last time they were here. Cannot come to an agreement on the tile work. One guy says walls need to come out down to studs, another says furring, I say slap mud on them and get at it. The walls are a concrete mix over mesh. Not giving up any more space for framing and durarock, IMHO, which is why I say slap the mud on them and get the tile up.

Hope all have a great day. Be safe, stay warm.
   / Good morning!!!! #184,486  
That looks like quite the tool for snow removal, Paul.

Do you worry about ethanol laced gas going bad before it gets used up in the Prius? Or has Toyota figured out a way to deal with the alcohol? Or maybe you can find E0 that doesn't cost an arm and a leg? Out here it sells for $6-$8 a gallon, if you can even find it.
I haven’t worried about it, perhaps I should. The gas cap says it’s ok with (Yikes!) E20, and it does run the engine every 200 miles or regardless of the battery state of charge just to lubricate it and prevent corrosion.
One more thing to keep me up at night………..
modern fuel injection alleviates most problems with ethanol gas

Snowing again.

I've just been categorized as "a distraction." As I was walking into the other room where my wife was, I was loudly announcing the snow was back. I heard her say to someone on the phone..."can you please repeat that, there was a distraction in the room." 😁 I didn't know she was on the phone, of course.

Hey, you music and instrument lovers...don't miss a chance on this...Lot #37 caught my eye.

View attachment 847511
Oh wow, one of my favorite guitarists.

RNG, yes the Pileated Woodpecker is on the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. Even though it is not a migratory bird.
Ron, what a great shot of a beautiful Pileated. Glad you had your camera handy, and thanks for sharing.

Top task on my list today is getting an issue resolved with a utility construction company that got way outside the ROW on a place I own and broke the sewer connection off under ground, parked equipment all over the lot, rutted up the ground, broke a cement apron driving a mini-ex over it and several other things. After going all the way up to the owner of the company I am getting resolution. It's a small thing in the overall scheme of everything going on but I've kinda had it with these utility construction crews and the way they will abuse a property if they think no one is watching. [Rant off]

Hope everyone has a great and productive day and stays warm, dry and well fed!
Oh wow, glad you're on top of it.

Hess trucks
Nice shelves. Cool trucks.

You guys are prolific. I've tried to catch up but it is tough with the time.

I'm having appliance meltdown week. small fridge at work (needs new $8 part), dryer (fixed), now wall oven has a condition where the lower baking element comes on regardless and won't regulate temp. We have to cut it off at the circuit panel to turn it off. Ordered relays for circuit board, putting new temp sensor in. Have a thermostat too, but it will require full removal from wall. seeing if the relays/sensor fix it first. Awaiting relays.
   / Good morning!!!! #184,488  
Good Morning!

God has given us another chance to get it right (or at least not screw up too badly).

13.8F going to mid-40s, sunny day forecasted.

Euccessful day wrangling couches, after fixing mom’s laptop and running Senior dog up the woodlot. Harry stayed home in crate, as he gets four days a week at playhouse, so Baileyngot to have an hour on the mountain in peace and serenity by herself. Cold snap shut down (mostly) the sap flow, but just in case I put up a couple trail cams in case there was some critter activity…

time for more coffee and get ready to head to the cube farm.

I hope everyone has a happy healthy safe blessed day!
   / Good morning!!!! #184,489  
Good Morning Again,
Ok, so either Ken or Kilroy, cant seem to remember !:cautious:

We were talking about replacing the anodes in electric hot water heaters. I ordered and received a new rod. I installed the hot water heater in july of 2022 so it will be two years this summer. Any suggestions on when to do that, I am thinking the 2 year mark. Just curious, also planning on getting an in expensive impact tool to get the old anode out ! Thoughts ?
The anode in out heater, which I posted the picture of, was at least ten years old and still had zinc on it but clearly was at the end of its lifespan. I would check it every year and replace as necessary — if you do not have a lot of erosion, there is no need to replace a zinc simply because of a calendar date—- if it eroded quickly you wouldn’t wait for that calendar date, right?

I picked up the Horrible fright corded impact gun because it was cheap and I will likely only use it for the water heater anode, so no need for any super high-quality professional tool. If you intend to use it for its intended purpose, maybe a better tool should be considered.

do you have a solid-cap anode or the anode that the water inlet passes through? If you have the pass-through, you have to have deep sockets to remove/install the anode.
   / Good morning!!!! #184,490  
Pouring rain, wondering how much snow this will bring you guys up north later this week?

looks like it will swing through the Gulf again and pick up lots of moisture before it comes North
but this time, it will be warm, and melt all this snow
seems like a good chance for flooding
the next one.jpg