Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #160,891  
Update to the day:

was doing some work outside, finished up, brought one batch of tools back to the shed, left door open when I went for second batch, came back and Mr Treerat was in the shed. . . Yay.

tried to scare him out, of course it didn’t work.
got my quart bottle of Oil of Wintergreen and put a sprayer top on it, and sprayed about 4-5 ounces of methyl salicylate all over the inside.

now the shed (and i) smell alike a giant Life Savers.

after five minutes I checked the shed and I do believe Mr RoofRabiit has vacated the premises.

I hope. . . 🤬
   / Good morning!!!! #160,892  
I'm told my daughter has a rat in their house. (!) I have zero experience with them. They've placed traps and sticky pads, and have a pellet gun handy, too. They've had a bunch of mice they've been fighting, but this pest is new to them (and me).

Any removal advice y'all would like to share, so I can pass it along?
   / Good morning!!!! #160,893  
37F and cloudy @ 12:30, calling for a high of around 38F today with the possibility of a few snow flurries tonight.

Good day yesterday.

Watched some YouTubes with The Woman on water softeners and had discussion about that. Also did some research on new softeners. Think it demystified things a bit for Her.

Woman worked on getting some Christmas cards in the mail, took them down to the PO and dropped them off, also picked up some more stamps.

After She got back, She drove me up to the shop where I grabbed an old rag mop I use up there. Will use that to mop up any water from rinsing the vinegar I'm going to use treat the efflorescence on the concrete in the utility room.

After She dropped me off back down at the house, She headed down to the drug store to pick up a 'script She got from the doctor for her eye to treat a sty. Was going to get Her COVID booster but She hadn't made an appointment and the person who was administering the shots was busy with other people who had ... so no joy there.

When She got back She started working on the enchiladas. I assisted a little on that.

Got the corner section of those shelves on the south unscrewed from the section that runs on the east wall in the utility room. Then got the corner section completely taken apart and disassembled. Now have good access to entire south wall in that room.

Fed all the fishies.

Got nyjer feeder scrubbed out.

Took jig saw down to the basement.

Got measurement taken and one of the 2" foam board panels marked to trim.

Gave the water softener and pressure tank some love and worked on cleaning them up. Softener had a good amount of mineral deposits on it from the trickle leak, both had some mold/mildew on them. In the first picture below - which was well after I started - you can see some of what was on both of them:

IMG_2125 copy.jpg

Next picture shows where it was when I ended last night:

IMG_2126 copy.jpg

Still have some more to go on the backsides but it is progressing nicely.

Woman came down after putting away the leftovers from dinner and was suitably impressed with the results. Wanted to know what I had used to clean them off.

A scrub pad, plastic scraper that She had bought me for the aquariums (didn't work worth a crap for that), and plain water.

She couldn't believe it.

Absolute heresy !!!


Asked maybe spending a few bucks to tune-up the old Fleck might not totally out of the question ?

And She agreed.

Looks like a new piston and seal/spacer kit will run about $115 ... but the stuffer tool/driver to install them is $94. So about $200 ... assuming nothing else is wrong.

Entire new valve head assembly (Fleck 5600) is about $400.

So some further research will have to be done and a decision made.

Softener does seem to soften the water fine, but I think we're probably going to get the water (softened and unsoftened) tested just to get an idea.

Also pulled the sediment/iron filter cartridge (the blue canister) while I was about it and swapped in an old one I had cleaned. The one I pulled out was totally cruddy ... just about black with rust and slime.

Spent 15 minutes or so hosing that off and was there still crud coming off it when I quit because my back was hurting. Will have another go at it today and see what else I can get off of it before I put it in a bucket with a solution of water and Iron Out to soak.

Woman worked on vacuuming up the corner where I had pulled out the shelves while I was doing that, think we quit a little after 23:00.

Agenda for today:

Probably see if I can't treat the efflorescence along that south wall and clean up the mess from that.

Will need to cut the HVAC condensate drain pipe to move it out of the way but it needs cut and shortened anyways, to bring it outside of where the stud wall will be.

See if I can free up the stop valves for the hot and cold water to kitchen sink and laundry room (they are locked up)

If I'm successful on that, probably see if I can free up the hose bibs in the laundry room.

Also need to check the pre charge on the water tank.

Happy Birthday to Rich !

Hope everyone is having a good Friday ... (y)
   / Good morning!!!! #160,894  
I had/have a bunch of crows, out in the cut corn. Also have a hen turkey out there chasing the crows around. I've seen some tracks in the snow that sure seemed larger than a pheasant. She came into the yard so I could get a decent pic. Good to finally see one here.

   / Good morning!!!! #160,895  
Good Morning

coffee time

my truck is getting a new fuel pump today - should be operational again, giving me my long lost freedom (been without a vehicle for 5 weeks) ... this is when living 20 min from town kinda sucks. Collected on a few favours along the way for rides etc. Took awhile to arrange for somebody to work on it, the ailment was mysterious. Oh well, remedied shortly.
   / Good morning!!!! #160,896  
this is when living 20 min from town kinda sucks. Collected on a few favours along the way for rides etc. Took awhile to arrange for somebody to work on it, the ailment was mysterious. Oh well, remedied shortly.
Good to hear it's getting fixed. Having a second vehicle has saved me some hassle a few times. Even if is just an old pickup (Suburban in my case) that gets driven 6 - 8 times a year... I keep it on a battery tender.
   / Good morning!!!! #160,897  
Afternoon all!
Currently in the low 30's with snow coming down. Heavy wet stuff here so I went out and did a preliminary clean up here and at the apartment house. 2 mail trucks and a UPS truck delivering on my street were stuck. 1 mail truck slid and took my mail box off the post! What used to be a 30 dollar bracket is now 103 bucks!!!
I need to find a different way to attach it as this is the 4th one since we put the post in. It's not even close to the road don't know why they keep hitting it?
We had about 6 inches here and around 4 at the apartment. Looks like we have at least 3 more here and it's still falling. Broke a chain on the plow so grabbed the bucket. I have it fixed again so hopefully will be able to use it in the morning.
Happy Birthday Rich!
Hope everyone stays safe and healthy!
   / Good morning!!!! #160,898  
Don't you hate it when your spouse suggests just spending $$$ when you might be able to fix it for only $$?
Especially when said spouse was with you in times when you didn't have 2 pennies to rub together.

Yeah ... to a degree.

Especially when the potential saving could be significant.

The issue arises, I suspect, from a lack of familiarity/understanding on how to fix certain things. And perhaps a lack of interest in finding out ... ;)

Some stuff is probably a real mystery (as to how it works, how it is built) ... BTDT myself.

But it is interesting to see the reaction when the discovery is made after watching say a YouTube video where things are explained.

"Oh ... that's all it is ?"

Best part is when some average, everyday Joe (or even better, Jill) does a repair and shows that it isn't rocket science and can be done by most anyone.

Still, I welcome Her input and the second opinion ... causes me to step back and take a breath and reconsider.

I have been down the do-it-yourself/fix it road many, many times ... and in terms of time and effort there have been times where "fixing it" wasn't really the best option and resulted in $$$ being spent that would have been better spent on replacing an item or hiring a contractor to do the work.

I'm trying to get a little more selective as I age in what I chose to bite off and chew ... ;)
   / Good morning!!!! #160,899  
We took a trip down to WV area around Harpers Ferry this afternoon. Lovely drive on the back roads. A few pics are attached. The drive is not that far from our house and there is always something to see on the way. Some very nice properties as well as some dumps with trash around. The Pentecostal church is very small but still there. Potomac river was very full after the recent rains.
   / Good morning!!!! #160,900  
We ended up with 2.6” of rain. Sun came out today.
I’ve had 2 temp crowns on for 2 months. Dentist never called me when the crowns came in, by the time I called to ask he was booked. I go next Thursday for my fun.