Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #190,181  
47F with a very steady rain @ 11:00, heading up to the low 60's for the day's high. Low this morning was 42.4F.

LWS reports 1.08" since midnight.

That's almost 4" of rain in the last 3 days ... :oops:

Checked plants out back yesterday first thing, all seemed good so I skipped watering.

Then made some more potting mix for The Woman ... on account of my stealing some of Hers ... again ... ;)

Located a ratchet strap and got the remesh panels strapped down to the dump cart and hauled those around back along with a few tools.

After that I took down 5 of the deck floor joists and got those strapped to dump cart and hauled them back up front where I set them on the saw horses and removed the remaining nails:

IMG_3244 copy.jpg

Once that was done I hauled out the 3 sanders and started cleaning up the boards. Got one of them all done:

IMG_3247 copy.jpg

After that I mowed that northeast corner down here by the house that I hadn't gotten previously.

At that point it was starting to feel a little chilly so I hauled that one board that I had gotten sanded inside where it wouldn't get wet, closed up the garage, and came on inside for dinner.

After dinner I got some more peppers potted:

6 - Hot Lemons

5 - Habaneros

3 - California Wonders

Plus a few more tomatoes:

1 - Bush Beefsteak

2 - Crimson Cushion

Woman came in the kitchen while I was doing that wondering about this big magnetic storm so we went outside and had a look, despite it being clear couldn't really see anything.

I went outside later to check again, same deal ... although I was able to catch a few of the Eta Aquarids ... (y)

Rain has now stopped, and it's brightening up outside.

Agenda for today:

Head down to Eddie's Live Bait and see if I can't pick up some mealworms for the bluebirds.

Probably spend the rest of the day up in the shop working on rebuilding that lift cylinder.

Lilies of The Valley invading the Black Ajuga ground cover which is in bloom:

IMG_3246 copy.jpg

Hope everyone is having a decent Saturday ... (y)
   / Good morning!!!! #190,182  
Some disturbing news, this mornings post took me about 20 minutes to write. I suddenly have no to very little control over the right side of my body.
Went to pick up a cereal bowl that was on the floor for the cat to clean out and fell over. Had to call junior to help me get back up. I hate to say this but i think my truck driving days are over, and my days of driving anything may be over too.

I'd be taking an aspirin and heading to the Emergency Room IMMEDIATELY ...

Don't screw around with it.

   / Good morning!!!! #190,183  
Good morning! Low of 46°, only going up to 64°, heavy cloud cover, breezy. Good chance of getting a shower or t-storm. Hopefully.....

Didn't get out to the shop as wanted.... I like to open the doors when working, just too cool and windy over the past few days. Not going to ruin the "fun" aspect. No rush to get done these few little projects.

Wng... PUPPY! She is adorable! Have fun and enjoy bonding.

Done, good luck with the move. Glad it's not far!

Drew, hope you continue to feel better! Sorry you had to cancel your trip.

Buppies, hope you feel better. Hopefully you can get the wife to get some help. Any other family that she might listen to?

Thomas, hope you can make a decision easily.

David, hope you get some good news back from the tech. Hope you are still feeling better.

It's been another trying week. The BIL met with his oncologist. Not good news. More spots have metastasized. His chemo has been changed to a stronger medication. Unfortunately, the prognosis is less than a year with the chemo, 4-6 months without. Wifey is still acting as moderator....

On a lighter note, flowers are really starting to put out their flower buds. A few have bloomed already and are dropping flowers. Hummingbirds are fighting, birds trying build nests under the porch roofs, other birds still singing then fighting for mates. Spring in full force. We are a bit late this year, it's been much cooler.

Ended up getting a migraine yesterday, kept it at bay by resting / dozing in the darkened bedroom. Not going to chance it, taking another inside day today.... call it quality time with the wifey.

Dropped to 62° in the house, so fired up the pellet stove. I hope we don't need it too many more times.... 3/4 of a hopper is all the pellets that are left.....

Everyone have a great day!
   / Good morning!!!! #190,184  
Looking, you need to go NOW to the hospital. The time line to get treatment for a stroke is under 4 hours! Outside of that timeline and you could have permanent damage!

   / Good morning!!!! #190,186  
66°F and .59 inches rain

Sun a shining, giving me hope I can finish up this round of mowing

Eye seems good from procedure. Return in two weeks for prescription check. Tempted to see how much I can adjust to without glasses. Near vision maybe more a challenge than far. Actually typing this on iPhone without glasses

Prayers for all
Be safe
Have a great day
   / Good morning!!!! #190,188  
59 deg
mixed 4 gal of weed juice (2 x 2 gal), sprayed about 3 gal.
Garden too muddy to do anything, but do have a bunch of plants coming up, look like maybe the gourds that grew everywhere last year. Will probably not let them grow.

wife and son in town taking care of errands, I said bring me home some lunch but looks like it will be a blizzard from DQ.

clouded up, sun was out earlier. found hummingbird feeder in basement, need to get that juice mixed up. Saw one while at dad's the last trip there.

   / Good morning!!!! #190,189  
Some disturbing news, this mornings post took me about 20 minutes to write. I suddenly have no to very little control over the right side of my body.
Went to pick up a cereal bowl that was on the floor for the cat to clean out and fell over. Had to call junior to help me get back up. I hate to say this but i think my truck driving days are over, and my days of driving anything may be over too.
Very sorry to hear this! You better get to an ER!