
Super Member, Rest in Peace
Mar 30, 2001
kubota b2400- R4 tires
Seems some of my web pages take forever to load ( especially yahoo mail) so i have down loaded and installed , micosoft anti spyware, lavasoft ad-aware and spybot s&d ran all the scans found numerous stuff and the computer still works the same. also it seems between getting updates for WINDOWS, updates for NAV, updates for all 3 spywares and running all the scans it leaves no time for anything else. plus all these programs use differnt terms and configuration is difficult if you don't know what they mean. guess i am having a bad day and just had to vent. ANYBODY ELSE FIND THIS TO BE a PITA /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Windows and its software tends to be a pain. Although it is pretty well distributed does not make it great.

When I worked hi-tech, I got to use Solaris and other IX based systems. They were much nicer to work with, and were a much hardier system. No blue screens... I never saw something hang the whole machine... It was pretty simple to shut down applications that were not working, in the limited extent that that occurred.

They still had thier terminology, and app specific stuff. But, they were and still are a hardier setup.
I havn't had many problems after installing norton antivirus & now spybot. I have them set to scan everyday at a certain time.I think spybot expires in approx. 30 days. Then maybe will have to pay for it to keep it.
You probably need a reformatt. Comps over time load up with junk and it slows them more and more. You may think you are getting rid of the spy-adware stuff with all the scans, but you don't get rid of it all, some of it is buried very deep in the system. I can go for about a year before my comp just starts to really slow down and mess up and I can't take it anymore myself and reformatt my comp. You may think you are deleting/erasing stuff, but the comp leaves traces and just tucks it away and slows your comp down.

I must say though that Microsoft is finally getting it together with their security fixes and anti-spyware software. It's pretty good. I think it's better than pay for software but it isn't perfect with out a reformatt to start from scratch.

I used the microsoft spyware, but it still found stuff everyday. It was the same 2-3 programs it was finding. My comp was locking up alot also. So I reformatted.

After I reformatted I made sure I got all the available security patches and microsofts spy-ware loaded first. Don't visit any website after a reformatt with out loading up the security patchs first. Your system is truly clean so don't visit some website first to start your headaches all over again.

Since I reformatted a couple of months ago and loaded up the spyware from microsoft it has not found one thing out of all the daily scans.
Frank, constant software upgrades that were needed by MS programs to work with each other, constant system crashes, and constant minor bits of grief caused me to switch to Apple's Macintosh systems. I got frustrated with some cross platform compatibility issues with the Apple so I switched back to Windows. I found all the same problems again with Windows and switched back to Apple. The later Apple systems (OS 9.xx and OS 10.xx) have eliminated 98% of the cross platform issues, system crashes virtually never happen, spyware and hacking is a minimal issue. And the system is more intuitive.
Sounds like the registry may be cluttered up. I downloaded, installed, and ran the trial version of Registry Mechanic. The trial version will fix about half of the parts of the registry. Then I did the same thing with the trial version of Registry First Aid which will fix every error it finds but only 10 - 12 per run. It helped quite a bit, but if RegFirstAid finds numerous errors it will take you awhile.

You have plenty of time on your hands, right? /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Yes, I guess it's a PITA but it's just the price we have to pay to use Gore's Net.

I use the same 3 anti-spyware programs that you do, also NAV and firewall and stay pretty clean.
If you haven't tried this already, give it a shot:
Search for files: ~*.*, *.tmp, *.dmp and cache.dsk on your hard drive. Highlight all the files that show up (Ctrl + A). Then hit the delete key. You may get a message that there are some "read only" files included in the list...that's ok, just select delete all.
These are temporary files and can be safely deleted on WIN XP, WIN 2000 and WIN NT systems. This may help to clear out some of the "clutter" on your system.

Hope it helps.

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thanks for the advise, but perhaps i did not make my self clear. MY computer is not slow or sluggish JUST some web sites take longer to load than they did a few weeks ago, not many but a few. i know i am using slow dial up, but some sites just seem to take longer.
Frank, try a different web browser. Some load faster than others. I find FireFox loads very quickly. Safari is also a fast loading browser. Its been years since I used Netscape, so I can't speak to that. I'm not a big fan Explorer, but I occasionally use it. My experience is that is loads very slowly compared to Safari or FireFox.
I'll second the idea of a browser switch. I've not met anybody yet who has tried FireFox that wasn't knocked out by its speed. It is really fast.
