Did you know that your cows are out? (Or sheep, or horses, or...)

   / Did you know that your cows are out? (Or sheep, or horses, or...) #1  


Epic Contributor
Aug 7, 2005
Kubota L3301
I was driving up a familiar road today and saw something in the ditch which seemed out of place. As I got closer I realized it was a big Hereford, placidly munching on the dried grass in the ditch. It's pasture mates were in the field across the road, so I drove up and pulled into the owner's dooryard where I was greeted by two very boisterous but friendly dogs. I got no answer when I knocked on the door so returned to my truck; as I was trying to find a name a woman stuck her head out the door and I asked if she knew her cow was out. OK, it was probably a steer but...

This wasn't the first time I've knocked on somebody's door and I doubt it will be the last. I always wonder though, if the people appreciate being told or if they don't give a care. I've chased so many horses out of the road that for a while I thought that it was a matter of time before I got trampled... I came close a couple of times.
I just would hate like heck to see them get run over because their owner was lax or made a mistake.

One day I came across two goats which were trapped on the road between the guardrails and I had to chase them out, and into the ditch. I went down to the next house and they had no idea where the animals came from but said they would try to find out.

Earlier this year I was about 1/2 mile from the nearest house when I saw two dogs out for a stroll. I slowed down and got them running in front of the truck. Pretty soon I looked in my mirror and there was another car behind me with their 4 ways on. Eventually the dogs ended up between us and we proceeded down the road. At the first house somebody was out putting up firewood and the dogs ran over to them. I looked in my mirror again, and we had a 3 car convoy escorting those two dogs home.

I've had the same done for my last dog one day when she went for a stroll, so really can't say anything.

Last year at about this time I saw a rabbit which somebody had obviously dumped in the middle of nowhere. I would like to have caught them and done the same. I tried to catch it but the animal was a bit skittish.It also was snowing and I gave up when I saw a truck coming, as I was partly into the lane.. No doubt he was coyote food or road pizza before very long.
   / Did you know that your cows are out? (Or sheep, or horses, or...) #2  
This wasn't the first time I've knocked on somebody's door and I doubt it will be the last. I always wonder though, if the people appreciate being told or if they don't give a care. I've chased so many horses out of the road that for a while I thought that it was a matter of time before I got trampled... I came close a couple of times.
I had a neighbor whose livestock was always getting out. Mostly turkeys and pigs. He always acted like I was somehow imposing on him when I'd let him know. Don't think he ever even apologized for his pigs rooting up my yard. For a while he also had a goat that would bleat non stop.
Sure didn't miss him when he moved.
   / Did you know that your cows are out? (Or sheep, or horses, or...) #3  
When I was dairy farming I appreciated be told animals were out especially since lived next to tarred county road. All of our neighbors had animals out at some point and time so we all worked together to get them back home. Unfortunately it seems like that helpful neighbor program has faded with the small family farms.

I commend you for doing your best to help.
   / Did you know that your cows are out? (Or sheep, or horses, or...) #4  
Had to corral a couple back through a down fence that the owner didn't know about. 1 got a way so while his boys repaired the fence he went looking for the lost cow. I could only point him in the direction it went. He got her back after a couple hours.
   / Did you know that your cows are out? (Or sheep, or horses, or...) #5  
Found a herd of cows in the middle of our hunting camp property about 15 years ago.

I was walking around the trails and heard some rustling in the thick stuff. Thought some deer were coming out but to my surprise a cow popped out. Turns out there were ten of them. Had no idea where they came from.

Started to back track their prints and ran in to two men on horses wanting to know if I have seen any cows. I gave them a short cut to find them. Said they traveled five miles.
   / Did you know that your cows are out? (Or sheep, or horses, or...) #6  
A farm up the road from me has terrible fencing and they seem oblivious to fixing the problems. Cattle are out all the time. Really nice people that Ive known all my life. I have accused them of free ranging their cattle.
Have always stopped and either ran the critters back through a fence or called somebody no matter where I see some loose. Decent thing to do.
   / Did you know that your cows are out? (Or sheep, or horses, or...) #8  
Well, I always like to be told, and I appreciate someone other than animal control letting me know. For us, it is invariably a calf that found just the right sized gap and stepped out, onl find that getting back in wasn't where they got out. Our neighbors and I are all pretty good about letting each other know, corralling loose animals into a safe place, and being generally responsible, with one notable exception.

The exception is a guy a few properties over who has a dozen or cows and bulls. They are too many for the land, so they jump fences and graze wherever they want to. I have seen them eight miles away from their home ranch. We used to try to let him know, but we realized that he isn't going to change, and the county won't confiscate the animals. Lethal removal is frowned upon and a legally gray area here. The largest of my neighbors corralled a half dozen or so probably a decade or so, fed them alfalfa for six weeks or so until they calmed down enough to trailer them off to slaughter against the cost of the feed that they had consumed, which is the legal way to remove them. It was a big production; not many of us have two acre corrals with eight foot fence on them.

All the best,

   / Did you know that your cows are out? (Or sheep, or horses, or...) #9  
One of my neighbors has a herd of bison...a while back a flooded stream washed out a section of fence...it seems they are an adventurous lot...several of them had wandered a few miles down the road before they were led home...
   / Did you know that your cows are out? (Or sheep, or horses, or...) #10  
We see animals out...no big deal. Across the road a dairy farmer had fences made of bailing twine!
About 20 years ago another neighbor had beef Angus cattle and his bull got out. I had all garage doors open and it went in. I thought about all the cars and things getting torn up...but he was fine, didn't hurt a thing. I roped his neck then quickly wound it around a big maple tree. It was like me holding onto a 100 hp tractor! The owner had his trailer on the road and he went right in.