Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor

   / Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor #121  
Yeah I mean if you go over to your neighbors house and execute his dog in his front lawn…..thats gonna be trouble for the executioner.
   / Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor #122  
My dad, who grew up during the depression delivered milk as a kid. He was probably 10 years old when this happened. As an adult he was not a big guy and I imagine as a 10 year old was small. When delivering milk to a house a large German Shepherd knocked him down, got on top and tried to bite his face. He got ahold of its collar and twisted hard to keep it from biting him. He choked it to death. The owner came out and my dad was sure he was going to lose his job. The owner said “that was a mean dog anyway” and didn’t do a thing.
   / Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor #123  
Yep. I pretty much told them I found a dog and tell me the description. No takers at all. Not one call. Anyhow, I named him 'Dog', after the dog in the John Wayne movie 'Big Jake'.

John just lost a good knife!
   / Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor #125  
In the state of Washington the County Sheriff is the supreme law enforcement authority sstate wide. I think, but not sure it is Federal law. At least that was what I was told in my dispatcher's training.
I heard the same thing, but it's a load of steaming hooey based on how some interpret old English law (Sheriff of Nottingham and all). I've also heard that the only person legally able to arrest an elected Sheriff is an elected Coroner, yet there are all kinds of stories of Sheriffs arrested by state and federal agents.

In practice, the state Attorney General is the top dog.
   / Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor #126  
As nutty as the world is today, one might get a lighter sentence for shooting the "top dog" than shooting the neighbor's dog
   / Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor #127  
I've been told that the county Prosecutor has the most power in the county but the Prosecutors I've known were too lazy to be any threat.
   / Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor #128  
One neighbor here had a reputation of killing small animals on his property - rabbits, chipmunks, cats (the neighbors cat, 20yrs later they brought it up, that sob shot my cat), another neighbors dog (earned him a 3day stint in the county jail). Incorrigible is a thing. I've seen others go through life, first they were kids, then ditzy teenagers, then da 20 somethings. Seems once they reach their 30s and have brats of their own something clicks and the horse sht goes away. I would say, go for a walk, how you want, where you want, tend to the task at hand, and get ready to rumble. And ignore the kid and wait for him to age out. Been there done that. And here, all is still not well in some places, but there is a firm and fair unspoken agreement in all.
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   / Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor #129  
In the state of Washington the County Sheriff is the supreme law enforcement authority sstate wide. I think, but not sure it is Federal law. At least that was what I was told in my dispatcher's training.
Counties are constructs of the state. Federal law has almost nothing to do with how a state is run. The Washington Attorney General does not agree with your trainer.

   / Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor #130  
I don't understand people like that. The niece of a friend got badly bitten by the family dog when she was a toddler. Two dogs and the kid alone in the living room.
When I stated I had no problem putting a dog of mine down if they bit someone unnecessarily, please note I mentioned if the bite occurred in my presence and I observed the incident.

You NEVER, EVER leave a toddler alone in the presence of a dog / dogs. That is a recipe for disaster.