Take the truck my boss says

   / Take the truck my boss says #11  
Honestly guys, I still have about a 1/8” clearance.

Besides that, left the nitrogen at home lol
Why does it matter whether you put air or nitrogen in??

I've had this repeated conversation with my wife on multiple occasions.

She will have a tire that's low at work.

My response is ease it to the gas station and air it up.

Then she starts freaking out because the tire shop put nitrogen in and it's not available at the gas station.

My exact response the last time we had the conversation. "So.... your gonna risk ruining your tire, possibly a rim and cost us a bunch of money because they don't have nitrogen????...... Put some air in the flipping tire and stop stressing over it!!!!!
   / Take the truck my boss says
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Why does it matter whether you put air or nitrogen in??

I've had this repeated conversation with my wife on multiple occasions.

She will have a tire that's low at work.

My response is ease it to the gas station and air it up.

Then she starts freaking out because the tire shop put nitrogen in and it's not available at the gas station.

My exact response the last time we had the conversation. "So.... your gonna risk ruining your tire, possibly a rim and cost us a bunch of money because they don't have nitrogen????...... Put some air in the flipping tire and stop stressing over it!!!!!
I work in HVAC.

Generally, I’ll always have a tank of nitrogen in the truck with me. Because this trip was “white collar” and I don’t have a crew cab, I kind of empty the truck out to make room for an overnight stay.

Generally, I will always use compressed air at a gas station myself if my personal vehicle tires are low for whatever reason, but if you’re in BFE for work, compressed nitrogen works great in a quick pinch to fill the tire up to keep you going.

Part of my point is if I would’ve taken my car on this trip due to the business nature, I wouldn’t have needed to worry about the height of the garage parking lol

I’ve been to Charleston enough times that I realize that parking can be an issue and then unless if you check with the hotel does for parking, you may be stuck in a city garage.
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   / Take the truck my boss says #13  
I work in HVAC.

Generally, I’ll always have a tank of nitrogen in the truck with me. Because this trip was “white collar” and I don’t have a crew cab, I kind of empty the truck out to make room for an overnight stay.

Generally, I will always use compressed air at a gas station myself if my personal vehicle tires are low for whatever reason, but if you’re in BFE for work, compressed nitrogen works great in a quick pinch to fill the tire up to keep you going.

Part of my point is if I would’ve taken my car on this trip due to the business nature, I wouldn’t have needed to worry about the height of the garage parking lol

I’ve been to Charleston enough times that I realize that parking can be an issue and then unless if you check with the hotel does for parking, you may be stuck in a city garage.
Yeah, I'm pretty picky where I stay for work trips due to parking. But if I'm traveling for work, 98% of the time I'm in an F550 service truck w/ crane. So parking garages are an automatic out.

I had a trip to Memphis and the manager took it upon himself to book my room instead of me doing it. I rolled up to the hotel and kept on going it only had a secure parking garage, and the street parking was sketchy as he$$.

I booked a room 10 miles south from the shop in Mississippi instead using my company credit card.

I called the manager and told him I declined to stay there and why. I also said "Good luck explaining that charge on your company credit card"

I would have had the locks cut off the truck and my tools stolen if I opted for the street parking at the hotel he booked.
   / Take the truck my boss says #14  
I've had this repeated conversation with my wife on multiple occasions.

She will have a tire that's low at work.

My response is ease it to the gas station and air it up.

Then she starts freaking out because the tire shop put nitrogen in and it's not available at the gas station.

My exact response the last time we had the conversation. "So.... your gonna risk ruining your tire, possibly a rim and cost us a bunch of money because they don't have nitrogen????...... Put some air in the flipping tire and stop stressing over it!!!!!
Heck air is 80% nitrogen from the start...so you get a B for effort
   / Take the truck my boss says #15  
Why does it matter whether you put air or nitrogen in??

I've had this repeated conversation with my wife on multiple occasions.

She will have a tire that's low at work.

My response is ease it to the gas station and air it up.

Then she starts freaking out because the tire shop put nitrogen in and it's not available at the gas station.

My exact response the last time we had the conversation. "So.... your gonna risk ruining your tire, possibly a rim and cost us a bunch of money because they don't have nitrogen????...... Put some air in the flipping tire and stop stressing over it!!!!!

Nitrogen in tires is a scam. Use the free 78 percent nitrogen and be happy.
   / Take the truck my boss says #17  
But, but, but it is a must have so you can use the green cap :D, your tires last longer, ride smoother but more importantly to remove money from your wallet.:LOL:
   / Take the truck my boss says #18  
F150, hard to tell from the rack and cab ;)

Me and a co worker went walking around town before dinner. Althogh schools would have been out by that time, didn't see any kids. Don't know what the area was below in the pic, but sad to say, it would have been easy to pay homeless people to walk down to the garage and get in.

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Genearlly in that area when on vacation in the past, either Patriots point or a favorite shore south of there. I did tell my wife no way would I want to live there. Left the hotel at 0615 to drive back home yesterday, and traffic on 26 (me leaving town) was stupid crazy coming the other way into town. Makes you realize that if there ever was a state of emergency and how if people had to leave a city quick for whatever reason all at the same time, you're screwed.
I assume you are talking about Charleston, SC. I have a friend with a house on Foley Beach. We drove there to shut the house down for a hurricane. The traffic leaving town we atrocious!
   / Take the truck my boss says #19  
I assume you are talking about Charleston, SC. I have a friend with a house on Foley Beach. We drove there to shut the house down for a hurricane. The traffic leaving town we atrocious!
I think it’s pretty amazing when they the do contra-flow (?) of the Interstates when evacuating an area. All lanes are made one way and on ramps are strictly blocked or controlled.

Go west young man! Like you have a choice. 😆

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