Steering knuckle tie rod hole worn.

   / Steering knuckle tie rod hole worn. #1  


Bronze Member
Jan 8, 2021
2001 farmtrac 320dtc Korean built also badged LG
So I noticed some play in my tie rod end on the right side while plowing snow. Thought maybe tie rod end was worn but it wasn't. Hoping nut was loose but it wasn't so it's oh crap. Looks like the hole in the steering knuckle is worn. Thoughts? Parts have about dried up for these tractors. Best I can find is a G610 tie rod end fits. ITP used to carry a lot of parts but no so much anymore. May end up cutting the nut off the tie rod end as it just spins the ball in the tie rod.
   / Steering knuckle tie rod hole worn. #2  
I wouldn't cut the nut off until had a plan for what to do after it's off. Meanwhile I'd try removing the nut,place shim(s) then retighten nut.
   / Steering knuckle tie rod hole worn. #3  
   / Steering knuckle tie rod hole worn.
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I found a tie rod end I believe for $67. That might help tighten it up. Maybe a couple more washers under the nut as it's all the way down.
   / Steering knuckle tie rod hole worn.
  • Thread Starter
Got the torch out tonight with the welding tip so I could have a more pin point flame. Heated the nut after putting a c-clamp on top of the tie rod squeezing it to the knuckle. The nut came right off. The hole seems ok so I put it all back together and put one more washer so the nut wouldn't run out of threads. Everything seemed to tighten up good. Can't explain any of it as the nut and cotter pin were all still there and had not moved. Broke out the grease needle and greased both sides plus the steering knuckle king pins (guess that's what they are called).

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