Starter problems

   / Starter problems #1  


New member
Jun 26, 2002
Kabota L245DT / L3710hst
After changing hydraulic fluid in and filters it started up four or five times then sat for about 10 minutes then when I went to start it it would just click and the lights would go out I thought it was the battery so I got a new battery installed same problem so I don’t think it was the battery. Any advice would be very much appreciated

   / Starter problems #2  
You need to check all battery connections, ideally do a voltage drop test accross the wires to see where the voltage is lost.
   / Starter problems #3  
Especially look at the ground wire for the battery where it connects to the can look OK but still not making a good connection...
   / Starter problems #4  
Either a bad (dirty) battery connection or cable connection or maybe even a bad cable. Mine does that when the terminals get dirty.
   / Starter problems #5  
To quickly test either of the big cables, connect a regular jumper cable in parallel around it.
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   / Starter problems #6  
You can also use a DMM to check the impedance of your wiring. Especially your grounds.
   / Starter problems #7  
Just went thru the same on a friend's L4740,after a new(2) starters it was a bad ground.

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