Postage paid return envelopes

   / Postage paid return envelopes #32  
I do this too. I save postage paid return envelopes and stuff them all with all the other junk mail I get unless it has PII on it.

Like someone else said, they have to pay the postage.

Everyone should do this. Has anyone ever gotten junk mail that that was actually good for anything?
Also a prank when U enter a neighbor's name and addy.
   / Postage paid return envelopes #35  
I believe it's supposed to be self supporting though isn't it?
Yes it is supposed to be self supporting, how ever congress required the USPS to fully pre-fund all future retirement debt even for new employees and do it as they are hired. NO other business in the country, not even congress does this.
Oh and congress is supposed to pay for all their own mailings and for the discount that your church gets on their mailings too. a lot of times that check seems to get lost in the mail.
   / Postage paid return envelopes #36  
Yes it is supposed to be self supporting, how ever congress required the USPS to fully pre-fund all future retirement debt even for new employees and do it as they are hired. NO other business in the country, not even congress does this.
Oh and congress is supposed to pay for all their own mailings and for the discount that your church gets on their mailings too. a lot of times that check seems to get lost in the mail.
Yea, I've had this same conversation with my dad. I can't describe how disappointed he is with the current state of the postal service. His father was also a rural carrier in the early 20th century. Grandpa started out with horse and buggy. My dad can't find a permanent sub now, they've tried 5 or 6 and they always quit. He's got about 3 months vacation but can't take it. Years ago he was the state secretary so he knows a lot of people. I've mentioned it before but he's the last mileage route in the country.
   / Postage paid return envelopes
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Yea, I've had this same conversation with my dad. I can't describe how disappointed he is with the current state of the postal service. His father was also a rural carrier in the early 20th century. Grandpa started out with horse and buggy. My dad can't find a permanent sub now, they've tried 5 or 6 and they always quit. He's got about 3 months vacation but can't take it. Years ago he was the state secretary so he knows a lot of people. I've mentioned it before but he's the last mileage route in the country.
I remember a time when there was a waiting list to be hired. Even if a person had a high score point it could be years waiting.
   / Postage paid return envelopes #38  
Yea, I've had this same conversation with my dad. I can't describe how disappointed he is with the current state of the postal service. His father was also a rural carrier in the early 20th century. Grandpa started out with horse and buggy. My dad can't find a permanent sub now, they've tried 5 or 6 and they always quit. He's got about 3 months vacation but can't take it. Years ago he was the state secretary so he knows a lot of people. I've mentioned it before but he's the last mileage route in the country.
What do you mean by last mileage route in the country? All rural routes have their mileage measured.

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