parts catalog Iseki TA Japon

   / parts catalog Iseki TA Japon #11  
I have a TA247. All parts I have needed have come from a Massey 1240 or AGCO parts book. Perfect fit every time. Yours would likely be a 1250. AGCO has a manual search on their site or at least they used to. Also there was a lady on here that would check in to see if anyone needed translations. I sent her a few pics and she told me what they meant but she wanted money to put it in writing. Go figure.
Good Luck.
You can take pixs of decals on your machine, then paste them into,

and read them instantly !

or even here,

Just why are you paying for something FREE ???

You can even open the PDF manual, use the snip tool and past into those translators. Then read for FREE.
   / parts catalog Iseki TA Japon #12  
Yandex can take the OLD Japanese/Chineese and translate it,

or straight Japanese to English,


Google image to text translate shows,




With a computer, it only takes less than 10 seconds to translate each image.
   / parts catalog Iseki TA Japon #13  
ランド リーダー
Land Leader

Now, then doing a search, use the Japan words. You will hit pay dirt on manuals VERY SOON vs using ENGLISH.

For Yanmar, I've sleuthed out nearly 200 Yanmar manuals in PDF for free across the web out of Asia this way.
   / parts catalog Iseki TA Japon #14  
now, ISEKI has two meanings in Japanese. 遺跡



In loose translation, it means the ruins remaining, like an old temple long forgotten.
   / parts catalog Iseki TA Japon #15  
I would not use ISEKI in the search, you will only get old ruins of Japan historical sites.

Instead, add to the search the word, use this type set.

   / parts catalog Iseki TA Japon #16  
You can take pixs of decals on your machine, then paste them into,

and read them instantly !

or even here,

Just why are you paying for something FREE ???

You can even open the PDF manual, use the snip tool and past into those translators. Then read for FREE.
Great info. Pretty sure this wasn't available 8 years ago when I was trying to figure mine out but I got it now. Thanks. !

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