Oil filter ISEKI TL2300

   / Oil filter ISEKI TL2300 #1  


New member
Jul 26, 2003
Lucerne Valley,Ca.
Does anyone have a cross over number for an oil filter for the TL2300. I was able to get a NAPA 1334 filter that fits but it is to small in my opinion and I would like to find an off the shelf filter available at the local auto parts. <font color="red"> </font> /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
   / Oil filter ISEKI TL2300 #2  
I have a 21 hp 3 cylinder Iseki and a 1984 Toyota Camry oil filter fits. Sometimes the same motor in a truck will have a longer filter. I'd take an old filter to the likes of Fleet-Farm and check selected boxes of filters.
   / Oil filter ISEKI TL2300 #3  
Be careful using a 1334. I have read that it will blow off the mount. The threads are not correct. I have an Iseki TL2100 and it takes a 1348. It has the correct size hole and thread.
   / Oil filter ISEKI TL2300 #4  
The filter is the correct physical size for the application. More important than the size of the filter is changing it and the oil every 50 hours or 3 months. If you would like a longer filter you could go with the Bladwin B159. Both have the antidrainback valve and 8 psi bypass rating. Either way you decide to go changing your oil like clock work is the most important.
   / Oil filter ISEKI TL2300 #5  
Along with the 50 hours is choice of oil of course.......I use the 1334 in my TL2300...........do a lot of hill work and hot summer mowing......never a pressure problem yet.....I change oil at least every 50 hours..........when it gets black instead of brown.......I know that this is a side effect of diesel and perhaps I do it to early.....but at least I KNOW it is clean......Dennis
   / Oil filter ISEKI TL2300 #6  
I use the WIX 51334 which is the same filter as the Napa 1334 and have had great results. Proper filter size, anti drainback and the proper thread size and pitch. In all the years of farming we always used WIX filters and didn't have one failure. We had an Allis Chalmers 185 diesel with over 12,100 engine hours. Never been overhauled. Oil and filter changed every 100 hours faithfully. Remember checking and changing the fuel fiter regularly can be just as important!
Just my two cents worth
   / Oil filter ISEKI TL2300 #7  
Hello guys! Sorry for old thread rebirth but I need to find, understand some numbers from you for my Iseki TL 2300 tractor.
What's the code for fuel filter? Anybody have changed hydraulic filter, is it element or metal body filter? Mine is little bit damaged and I would like to know before I take it off from my Iseki with chance to imediatley change it with the new one. :)

   / Oil filter ISEKI TL2300 #8  
Hello guys! Sorry for old thread rebirth but I need to find, understand some numbers from you for my Iseki TL 2300 tractor.
What's the code for fuel filter? Anybody have changed hydraulic filter, is it element or metal body filter? Mine is little bit damaged and I would like to know before I take it off from my Iseki with chance to imediatley change it with the new one. :)

Hello guys! Sorry for old thread rebirth but I need to find, understand some numbers from you for my Iseki TL 2300 tractor.
What's the code for fuel filter? Anybody have changed hydraulic filter, is it element or metal body filter? Mine is little bit damaged and I would like to know before I take it off from my Iseki with chance to imediatley change it with the new one. :)

Good day Ruud3a
Have you change the hydraulic filter already? I have the same question, before removing the oil & filter I would like to be prepared with new. Do you know bow many liters of hydraulic oil is used in that tractor?

Just for information for other TL 2300 useres I share ho I selected & replaced other filters.
I have just changed engine oil filter filter and order the fuel, I hope it will fit.

Engine oil: (Ford C-Max, Jeep Liberty)
WIX 51348 (price 4 Euro)

Fuel filter ?????

(H=69 is too long D=35 is too much d=11 is ok)

I will try to adjust with spring the SN21585, WIX 33264 & SK3677, unfortunetly they have d=13mm, it will require bigger o-ring.


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