mid mount mower or 3pt finishing mower

   / mid mount mower or 3pt finishing mower #1  


New member
Jun 30, 2022
Hello All, long time lurker, here to ask my first question - we just bought a small property @ 9acres, with abt 2-3 acres of grass
I need to get a compact or subcompact tractor and think a 3pt finishing mower might be better than the drive over mid mounts that are available?
The grass is pretty rough and has some areas where a low mounted mower might risk high center on that size tractor.
I don't need a brush cutter though.

What are your experiences using a 3pt finishing mower vs a mid mount mower on a small tractor (sub 30hp) ?
Thanks in advance
   / mid mount mower or 3pt finishing mower #2  
I have no complaints about the 3 point finish mowers. I had a 5' on the back of my SCUT, a 6' on my CUT now. I use them to cut 'rough' field grass. The biggest drawback is that it sticks out the back and makes turning difficult In tight spaces.

The biggest complaint that I have heard about the MMM is they are still a pain to take on and off. There is currently a thread in the Kubota section, the guy wants to get rid of the MMM due to the hassle.

I have a garden tractor with a 54" deck. It is a pain to take on and off. If you will be using the tractor for other chores, you might not want the mower hanging under the tractor all the time.

Just my $.02.....
   / mid mount mower or 3pt finishing mower #3  

I need to get a compact or subcompact tractor.


We bought a 9 acre property with 2-3 acres of grass.


What are your experiences using a <30hp tractor ?

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   / mid mount mower or 3pt finishing mower
  • Thread Starter
I have no complaints about the 3 point finish mowers. I had a 5' on the back of my SCUT, a 6' on my CUT now. I use them to cut 'rough' field grass. The biggest drawback is that it sticks out the back and makes turning difficult In tight spaces.

The biggest complaint that I have heard about the MMM is they are still a pain to take on and off. There is currently a thread in the Kubota section, the guy wants to get rid of the MMM due to the hassle.

I have a garden tractor with a 54" deck. It is a pain to take on and off. If you will be using the tractor for other chores, you might not want the mower hanging under the tractor all the time.

Just my $.02.....
Thanks! That's helpful and kind confirms my thinking the mid mowers are a pain on a tractor. I'd really like to get a Zero turn mower and a bigger tractor but money . . .
   / mid mount mower or 3pt finishing mower
  • Thread Starter

I need to get a compact or subcompact tractor.


We bought a 9 acre property with 2-3 acres of grass.


What are your experiences using a <30hp tractor ?

Thanks for vid was very helpful - I've had a few larger tractors, 50 & 70hp, but not a sub 30hp. I just need to cut some grass, blow some snow, and normal landscape stuff. Think they are all mostly the same but biggest choice will be cab or not and I'm leaning towards a cab for Southern Ontario winter.
   / mid mount mower or 3pt finishing mower #7  
My wife argued against the tractor purchase for years (NOW she loves it).

When we were putting the deal together with the salesperson, I had the budget figured out, to see what we could manage.

Wife started adding implements... I wanted the MMM given tight radiuses and obstacles on the property; she however, wanted the pull behind brush rotary mower.

Let's just say that I won the tractor war (I finally got a tractor) and she won the mower war (rotary). :)

The finish mower is great if you have the space to mow. I still think I'd like the drive over MMM one day.
In the meantime, I bought a zero turn for our property (win-win)
   / mid mount mower or 3pt finishing mower #8  
I concur with previous posters. I have and have had three MMM for 3 acres over the years. I often think about having a RFM as to hook up and removal.
I just learned to live with the MMM. My answer as the years went buy was to keep two Kubotas... viz. B2620 with FEL mounted all the time and the MMM off most of the time....and...a B2650 with the MMM mounted most of the time during grass mowing season. Both tractors are used for other functions as the yearly seasons change....thus the on/off problems with MMMs.

I realize that most don't have this luxury. Some posters just go with a ZT for mowing and a CUT with the FEL on most of the time. At the OPs place, I go for the RFM.

   / mid mount mower or 3pt finishing mower #9  
So, it wasn't the smallest tractor, but growing up we had a Kubota with a finish mower and that was the lawn mower. For the yard, for the field, it was the lawnmower lol. I mention it just to bring up the quality of cut; it was a 7 foot Land Pride and the lawn looked spectacular. Well, when it was mowed. 😂
   / mid mount mower or 3pt finishing mower #10  
I cut my 6 acres for years with a 6', then 7' rfm. I was somewhat forced into using rear finish mowers due to buying my first tractor that came with a dilapidated mmm.
I got to really appreciate the 3pt mowers, which keeps my tractor easily available for other work. Since I cut commercially now as a retirement hobby, I now mow everything with a 72" zero turn - much faster.

re: cabs - I finally upgraded to a cab tractor 6 years ago, and there is no going back to an open station! I should have gotten a cab tractor much sooner. In the winter I plow in a T shirt, and stay cool in the summer.

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