Gold Member
The left fender of my dad's 850 was bent all out of shape when he bought the tractor almost two years ago. We took it off this week and stomped, hammered, and pressed it back into shape and it actually looks pretty good now. After sanding and painting, it almost passes for new. What we need now are the decals and stickers for it. The only sticker that was left on it was the PTO decal. I don't know what else would have been on it. Anyone know of a good source for the decals?
We also made new hand rails out of #5 rebar. Personally, I think they look really good.
Some obligatory pics. I don't have much for before pics because we didn't want to take pics of that side of the tractor due to the fender.
We also made new hand rails out of #5 rebar. Personally, I think they look really good.
Some obligatory pics. I don't have much for before pics because we didn't want to take pics of that side of the tractor due to the fender.