Just how bad is airline service

   / Just how bad is airline service #1  


Gold Member
Aug 23, 2017
Quitman, Ar
JD X300
I have some friends that are trying to fly to Japan to see their son. They flew from Florida to Detroit. At Detroit they were told there was no pilot to fly the plane. They have been in Detroit for three days now. They get up every morning at 0400 and go to the terminal and wait and wait then go back to their room and do it again the next day. How pathetic is that ? Last year is was flying home to Roswell New Mexico. They cancel my flight in Dallas and I had sleep on the filthy carpet till the next day. Well, I say sleep but all I did was lay around on the floor with my backpack as a pillow. Air travel is horridle now and expensive, my flight I just booked to NM from Arkansas was $990. Hell used to you could fly to the Europe for that price. Thanks for letting me vent.
   / Just how bad is airline service #2  
When I left my job with a major airline 10 years ago (moved to MI) I couldn't believe how they ran an industry. You be amazed on what goes on behind the scenes.

I won't even fly anymore, can't imagine how it is now since covid.
   / Just how bad is airline service #3  
We have skipped flying lately too. The last time we flew our flight got delayed several hours and it turned into a nightmare. Rising rental car costs have also played into our decision not to drive.
   / Just how bad is airline service #4  
Nowadays in order to travel you just have to be a savvy traveler. I have flown more in the last 15 years than most people would in a couple of lifetimes. It is annoying and I do hate it but I'm not driving back home to SC from Reno. And for me Covid travel, minus the mask mandate, was pure bliss. Airports were empty and planes were too. I can't tell you how many flights I made during that time when I was the ONLY person on the plane besides the pilots and FAs.
   / Just how bad is airline service
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One reason why I pay to much to fly to Roswell NM is that the only airline that services Roswell is American, period. No other airline goes there and it’s a 2000 mile round trip by car. I don’t want to drive that. I was told that most airlines will not spring for a room if the cancellation is weather related. That‘s what happened last year, American said the cancellation was weather related, which was crap. The reason why they did was because there were only 7 people booked and it wasn’t economical for them. So I slept on the floor in DFW. The terminal looks like zombie land at 0300, lol. Folks laying around where ever they can find spot. I hate flying now !!!!
   / Just how bad is airline service #6  
We have skipped flying lately too. The last time we flew our flight got delayed several hours and it turned into a nightmare. Rising rental car costs have also played into our decision not to drive.
You don’t fly and you don’t drive? Do you just stay home?

I flew from Minneapolis to Phoenix last month without a hiccup.
   / Just how bad is airline service #7  
Our house in the city is only 15 minutes from DFW. You should have said something. We have room.
   / Just how bad is airline service #8  
I fly often enough for work that I am interested in the names of the airlines in both your collective good and bad experiences. Anecdotal to be sure, but still useful in the short term. I used to prefer Delta but recent bad experiences soured that. Jet Blue has worked well for me but limited flights out of Hartford.
   / Just how bad is airline service #9  
Delta stranded me twice in SLC. I will not willingly fly with them again.

I don't fly much at all anymore. I have more time than money and genuinely like seeing the country.
   / Just how bad is airline service #10  
I've refused to fly anywhere for several years now. Too much of a hassle. And since I'm retired I have the time to drive, so I do. I've driven back to Pennsylvania where I grew up twice in the last 5 years (~6000 miles round trip), and to Kansas City every year (just over 3000 miles round trip) for a family gettogether. When I was in Kansas City last July some of my cousins flew in from Connecticut...it took 4 tries (3 cancellations) for them to get a flight back home.

During my time in the Navy I would fly for free all over on MAC (Military Airlift Command); it was a piece of cake compared to what paying customers have to put up with now. I don't understand why people put up with this crap. Just quit flying for a while and the airlines will have to clean up their act or go bankrupt.