Iseki TL2100 2WD explanation needed

   / Iseki TL2100 2WD explanation needed #1  


New member
Jun 15, 2023
Iseki TL 2100
Hi, I need someone who tells me what the heck is in this pic. Thanks a lot! The translator is useless because of the missing parts. What is "L", "M", "H", "(M)" (low-high-middle?) Unfortunately the shifting sticker is in bad condition, cannot read a thing.

   / Iseki TL2100 2WD explanation needed #2  
   / Iseki TL2100 2WD explanation needed #4  
That is a chart with the travel speeds for your tractor given what gear and range it is. And looks like you got the 18 speed transmission by the looks of it.

1-2-3 are the main gears, L-M-H are your ranges.

L = Low range
M = Medium range
H = High range.

There could be another lever for the creeper gears, accordingly to the chart.
   / Iseki TL2100 2WD explanation needed #5  
Edited the picture for you.

Let's say you want to go 2.3 km/h. You would put the main gear in "3", range gear in "Low" and creeper gear in "High".

   / Iseki TL2100 2WD explanation needed #7  
Edited the picture for you.

Let's say you want to go 2.3 km/h. You would put the main gear in "3", range gear in "Low" and creeper gear in "High".

View attachment 864424
I translated the last row text. The row with the (M) (M) (M) markings. This has me very curious what this does.

   / Iseki TL2100 2WD explanation needed #8  
I translated the last row text. The row with the (M) (M) (M) markings. This has me very curious what this does.

View attachment 864561
I did the same and noticed it as well. I didn't mentioned it to avoid confusion.

TractorData only lists two transmissions for that model but I wonder if there could be some other transmission option for it? Googling "Iseki Multi Shift" didn't bring much useful info.
   / Iseki TL2100 2WD explanation needed #9  
I did the same and noticed it as well. I didn't mentioned it to avoid confusion.

TractorData only lists two transmissions for that model but I wonder if there could be some other transmission option for it? Googling "Iseki Multi Shift" didn't bring much useful info.
Ah, you too Googled. Yep, we have not a clue. If it was a Yanmar, I would say, oh, that's just the PowerShift.

We would need someone with an Iseki-Mitsubishi setup to chime in on this one.

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