Iseki G192 TS1910 19

   / Iseki G192 TS1910 19 #1  


New member
May 11, 2009
Hi, my husband was just given this Iseki tractor and is struggling with finding the oil dipstick, figuring out how to start it, how to fix an oil leak, etc. Can anyone advise? Reg gave me some helpful hints.

Does anyone know how old this tractor could be? Does it make sense to have a tractor like it for mowing 2 acres? (I know dumb question!)


   / Iseki G192 TS1910 19 #2  
Hi Liz, I have a TS1610F which is basically the same tractor. It was manufactured sometime in the late 1970's to early 1980's. It certainly can be used to pull a rear mount mower. Be advised that the PTO is not a live PTO. That is, it is driven off the transmission output so that the tractor must be moving forward before the PTO shaft turns. Except that is, if you put the transmission in neutral and let out the clutch it will then turn the mower, but won't do you much good trying to mow without moving forward! Live or independent PTO's will turn full speed all the time independent of ground speed.

The engine oil dipstick on my tractor is on the left side of the engine (sitting in the seat) above the oil pan. It's a cap that screws on. The following are some pics that should help you out to check fluid levels, etc. From left to right: engine oil fill dipstick, hydraulic fluid fill dipstick under seat, transmission oil fill, transmission oil level plug, and fuel injection pump which uses engine oil (fill is the mushroom shaped vent cap on top, level plug is the hex head slotted screw on the lower side). Ask if you have other questions. You should probably get a maintenance manual from a supplier like Len Shaeffer's Town and Country Tractor, who frequents this forum.



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   / Iseki G192 TS1910 19 #3  
Oh, and to start the tractor, first:

1) make sure the air valve to the engine air intake is open. It is a handle under the left side of the dash that you push in to open the valve and start the engine (you pull to close the valve and shut off the engine).

2) move the throttle (engine speed) lever on the right side of the steering wheel, in the dash, that controls fuel at the injection pump to where it is about one third to one half open.

3) turn on the key switch to the right so that two of the lights on the dash (charging light and oil pressure light) are on.

4) push in the clutch and make sure the transmission is out of gear in neutral. Keep the clutch pushed in through the following sequences.

5) rotate the starter switch, a black rotary switch handle located on the lower left side of the dash, to the left. This energizes the glow plugs. Keep it in the full left position until you see the heater signal element (on the upper left side of the dash) start to glow, or for about 10 seconds or so.

6) now immediately rotate the starter switch over to the full right position and the engine will start to crank over and hopefully start right up. Release the starter switch as it begins to start on its own.

To stop the engine, pull back on the throttle and idle the motor down to around 800 rpms. Now pull out the air valve handle fully until the engine stops. Turn off the key switch.

Hope this helps.
   / Iseki G192 TS1910 19 #4  
Kill the engine first before turning off the key. I learned the hard way that you'll kill the alternator if you turn the key off before killing the engine.
   / Iseki G192 TS1910 19 #5  
Once again Bill a very helpfull post with great pics & details, thanks for taking the time . :D, Bob
   / Iseki G192 TS1910 19 #6  
I just purchased a 1983 ts1910,

the oil pressue light, charging light and temp light are hanging loose in the dash.

How do i tell what light is what, so i can reinstall them.

And once running should those lights be off ?

Also the wires going to the signals was chewed up, I tested the power for the four wires, two are the signals. one has power when lights on.
and one has power when key is on.

any help is apprecated.


   / Iseki G192 TS1910 19 #7  
The oil pressure light is a yellow wire
The Charge light is a white/red wire
The temp light is a yellow/red wire.
When running and the key on the lights should go out.

If you are talking about the signal lights on the rear fenders, there should only be one wire for each side.
   / Iseki G192 TS1910 19 #8  

got the oil,charge,temp lights sorted.

the two signal wires are in with two other wires, one has power in any key position the other has power with the lights on.

the previous owner said the charge light started staing on after those wires got chewed up.

any ideas


   / Iseki G192 TS1910 19 #10  
I am in wisc

How do I check the alternator ?

how does the dash come off, to check the wires
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